1 | 8 | Dumbledore took our House Cup

Start from the beginning

She bit her lip. "How is that even possible?"

They were as lost as Lisa was. Perhaps they'd understand more when Harry was awake.

She left the Great Hall after a short word with Daphne, promising she would explain everything later. She had to see Harry, to make sure he was still okay.

In the hospital wing, Madam Pomfrey tried to tell Lisa that she couldn't visit but Lisa begged her to stay only a few minutes.

She saw Harry lying still in one of the beds, and she sighed. He had quite a few injuries. What really went on down in those rooms?

"Ah, hello, miss Snape," a voice spoke beside her. She jumped, turning to see Professor Dumbledore himself, wearing his iconic half-moon spectacles.

"Hello, Professor." She sighed. "Harry's asleep, I see."

"It seems so," he responded oddly.

"I hope he's okay, after what happened," she murmured.

Dumbledore watched her closely. "Do you know what's happened?"

"He fought You-Know-You over the Sorcerer's Stone, Granger told me," Lisa replied casually. "But how?" She glanced at the Headmaster. "Shouldn't you know? Is You-Know-Who back? How did Harry even survive that?"

He held up a hand. "You ask many questions. I can see you are thoughtful over the well-being of Mr. Potter, but I'm afraid I cannot answer some of those. However, I can say that You-Know-Who is not back, and is very weak once more."

"But how-"

"I think it's about time you head back," he suggested. "Madam Pomfrey doesn't want too many visitors."

Lisa eventually agreed and made her way back to her common room. A few weeks of school still remained and she shouldn't be so distracted.

~ * ~ *
It had been weeks indeed before Harry finally woke up, and Lisa, sick with worry, was one of the first students to visit with him.

"Harry, oh, thank Merlin you're okay!" She exclaimed in front of everyone, including her father. He turned his nose away with disgust, but Lisa ignored him.

Harry had smiled at this and when everyone else but Hermione, Ron, and Lisa were gone, he explained everything.

"It was Quirrell," he claimed. "Voldemort's-" Ron winced- "face was on the back of his head. That's why he wore that hat all the time!"

"The entire time he'd been teaching..." Lisa murmured. She cringed. "That's sickening. You-Know-Who has been right under our noses the entire time?!"

Harry nodded gravely.

Already Madam Pomfrey was trying to push them out even though they had only got to be alone with Harry for a few minutes. Harry, however, got to leave the hospital wing shortly afterwards.

It was finally the end of the year feast and Slytherin had won the House Cup. The other few houses didn't seem so excited, but Lisa cheered happily with her friends.

Her first year at Hogwarts and already she has won a House Cup.

During the speech, she couldn't help but notice the glares from the other Houses. She didn't meet Harry's eyes.

Dumbledore announced something peculiar at the end.

"Fifty points to Miss Hermione Granger..."

The Slytherins looked around, confused.

"Fifty points to Ronald Weasley."

Lisa was starting to get worried as the Gryffindor's vial began to fill up.

"Sixty points to Harry Potter."

Dead silence. Gryffindor and Slytherin were tied.

"And finally, ten points to Mister Neville Longbottom."

"And for what?" Lisa cried, outraged. "For learning how to stand up for himself?" The Slytherins booed, but they were the only ones unhappy about the sudden change.

"I'm the one who bloody told Dumbledore about them in the first place!" She exclaimed to Daphne. "Where are my points? They could have died!"

Daphne was glaring steadily at the cheering Gryffindors. Lisa banged her head on the table. "Why, Dumbledore, why?"

The train ride home was not fun at all. Some of the Gryffindors passed the Slytherin department with pointedly smug grins. Lisa vowed to hex the next student with that look on her face.

She broke her own vow when she saw Harry pass. She didn't hex him, and she also didn't pay him any mind. If Dumbledore wasn't so fond of the boy, they wouldn't have earned all those points.

Her mood gradually increased as the minutes ticked by, and she couldn't stay pouty forever. Daphne and her recovered a lot quicker than the boys, but by the end of the ride they were all smiling and laughing at some stupid Quidditch joke.

When she got off the train with her belongings, she felt a tap on her shoulder. It was Harry. "Hiya, Harry," she said before he could talk.

He seemed surprised at her mood. "Hi, Lisa. Uh, sorry about the House Cup thing..."

"Don't say sorry if you don't mean it," she teased. "And it's no big deal. We're going to win it next year anyway." She smiled and they bumped fists so she could show him that she really wasn't upset about it.

As she found Daphne's parents, she saw who chaperoned Harry- another pair of Muggles.

These didn't seem nearly as pleasant as Granger's  parents. They must be another relative towards Harry- as he didn't have any parents. They gave everyone around them dirty looks and snapped at Harry for having messy hair.

Lisa screwed up her nose. So these were the Muggles she often heard about. She definitely felt sorry for Harry, having to live with those kinds of people. And maybe they're just family friends. No way anyone who was related to Harry would act so indecent.

"Come on, Lisa," Daphne called. Lisa wipes the frown off her face and followed her to her parents.

~ * ~ * 1.4k words ~ * ~ *

Published 12-15-20

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