1 | 8 | Dumbledore took our House Cup

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"...right under our noses..."

Lisa found Professor McGonagall as soon as possible, who told her to go straight to her common room and that the staff members would deal with it

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Lisa found Professor McGonagall as soon as possible, who told her to go straight to her common room and that the staff members would deal with it.

She told Daphne what she had seen and then tried to go to sleep but it wasn't until much later that she could. In the morning, she went to the Great Hall and could only find Granger and Weasley.

She told Daphne, "I'll be right there," and made her way to the Gryffindors, forcing a smile to the Weasley twins. Weasley looked distraught and started to tell her to go away, but Lisa pushed a finger onto his mouth and sat in front of them.

"Where is Harry?"

They shared a look. "Hospital wing," Granger admitted.

"It's a long story," Weasley said. "He's out cold."

"I saw you three last night," murmured Lisa, ignoring their widened eyes. "I saw what happened... sort of. You three went in this door and there was a... What was that thing?"

"A three-headed dog," Granger replied in a low tone. "We got down the trapdoor just in time."

Lisa sighed. "Ron, I think I saw your foot."

The Weasel flushed bright red and Granger gave him a scolding look. Lisa continued. "After I saw you go in with the dog, I thought you'd be dead for sure. I mean, what were you even doing in there?"

Granger looked uncomfortable. "Saving the Sorcerer's Stone."

"Gives you immortality," Weasley explained. "And a cursed life."

"Someone wanted to get it for You-Know-Who," Granger said, her eyes flickering to the table where the teachers sat. "But it couldn't have been... I mean he's still here..."

"Who was it?"

They shared another uneasy look. "We thought it was Professor Snape- Hear me out! I know he's your father, but he might have been... We were wrong of course, but someone else was there..."

"First of all, I know he might be a little bully but, WOW. Not cool guys." Lisa rolled her eyes at the immaturity, but she still had questions. "How on earth did you snag that invisibility cloak?"

Weasley leaned back in his chair while Granger explained everything, about where Harry got the cloak in the first place, what happened after they went through the trapdoor, how Weasley sacrificed himself in chess, how she helped Harry with potions.

"We haven't got all the details on what happened afterwards," Granger started. "But... Harry fought You-Know-Who."

Lisa didn't say anything at first. Was he back? How did no one realize? Are they lying?!

Elisabeth Snape & the Golden Boy (A Harry Potter Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now