"Will. you good"

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Techno POV

I was walking to the well upon the hill near dreams house when I see them.

Skeppy and bbh makeing out on the well.
Eww I think but I have no room to talk.

The turn toured the house and run down the hill laughing like children on a play date. I'm glad there happy tho and i don't have to deal with skeppy al the time any more.

I walk up to the well. I slide my hand into my pocket and pull out two coins one from Wilbur and one from my dad he said it would bring back the one you love if you through it in the well on the magic hill.

I kiss the coins and drop them in the well I start to chant the spell and add wilburs name at the end.

I wait for some thing any thing and then I see it. It lights up. The well starts crack. it lights up even brighter I close my eyes to prevent the light for hurting then.

I hear a wired sound and then it's silent. I feel a hand on my shoulder I slowly open my eyes to see Wilbur standing there my eyes widen when I see one more person behind him.

I jump behind him and growl protectively at the man that stands at the well.

" what the hell do you want schlatt" i growl out

" you brought me back with Wilbur you idiot you used two coins" he said " and Wilbur chose to bring me back with him"

" one coin equals one person but you drop two coins and one was dads coin that any one the person you want back loves comes back with them techno and i may have feel for a certain someone" Wilbur say.

I look at Wilbur with wide eyes there's no way Wilbur fell for schlatt but he seems happy so I let it slide.

I walk over to schlatt and whisper " if you ever and I mean ever hurt my brother I will slit your throat and throw you right back down the well you came out of" I walk back to Wilbur as schlatt starts sweating.

"Come on let's go home phill has missed you more then any one else he will be thrilled to see you again" we start to walk but Wilbur stops

" you coming schlatt" he say schlatt walks over and Wilbur takes his hand in his and kisses his forehead. " let's go home my love" he says and continues to walk to the castle.

I stop and pull a box from my pocket I was a nice lime green box with gold rims and held the prettiest ring a man could ever get. I just hope he likes it.

Time skip

We walk up to the castle. I watch as the guards mouths hang open at the sight of Wilbur. I chucked at how dumb founded they looked as we walked by.

Schlatt on the other hand looked scared of the guards and look as if he was trying to get as far as possible from them. I went up and stood bye him. Guarding him from the guards he seemed to straighten up and whispered thank you and continued to walk with Wilbur.

I entered the castle to see phill at the throne and tubbo looking stressed as hell he was doing some paper work of some sort.

" phill I want you to meet some one" phill looked at me and then walked towards me I opened the door.

I watched as phill hit the ground crying as Wilbur hugged him schlatt stood by me and watched and Wilbur was hugged and kissed on the forehead by his dad.

I saw tubbo rush to us and in steed of stop at Wilbur he ran to schlatt hugging him and crying tommy came down the stairs and ran to Wilbur.

I mean I know schlatt and tubbo were great friends but for tubbo to pash Wilbur is strange.

Schlatt used to baby sit tubbo but when Wilbur told phill to kill him to save his family from his insane rampages he lost it.

Schlatt jumped of the castle but survived and ended up dying of a hart attack from the fear of jumping end half way wanting to live.

I was sad how close they were and then you see them now still close but stuck with a red mark showing how they died.

Schlatt had a red hart with a little zigzag to show that he had a hart attack.

Wilbur had a red slash a crossed his chest the show when phill had to kill him when Wilbur told him to and said he wouldn't want it to fall in to any other persons hands then his own dads.

I hated that Wilbur made he do that but he's back and there happy now.

He watched as dream walk to him and kiss his check he pulled dream in to a hug as he watch his family cry and sod on the floor as schlatt sat there uncomfortable and looking lonely as hell.

They soon Brock from there hug and all sat up Wilbur walked over to schlatt and pushed him in to the circle of his crying family.

" you guys all know schlatt but you don't know that me and schlatt are dating" Wilbur said with a large smile on his face he kissed schlatt s check, schlatts face heated up from the loving embrace.

Phill walked up to schlatt and hugged him.
" I'm glad you back schlatt and your with my son I'm more the Proud to call you my son as well" he then looks me and walks over to dream pulling him into a strong embrace.
" I'm glad to call you my son as well you have brought out a different side of techno we have never seen before. So when's the grand kids" he says and laughs.

Dreams face goes ablaze and I hid my face in my hand. " uhh soon I hope I would love to have a kid of my own" dream say I look at him face still a blaze I pull him in to a hug and kiss him.

" Eewwww kissing" I hear tommy and tubbo say in unison. I pull away and laughed. I she Wilbur and schlatt looking at a news paper and smiling.

The walk up to us still smiling they show us the news paper and I blink a few times before looking at dream he smiles and nods his head.

" what if we go on like a doubles date and go look at some kids aye" Wilbur says and hugs schlatt even tighter. I smile at the thought of my kid holding the rings at are wedding and there kid throwing flower pedals.

I look up at Wilbur and smile " why not that sounds like fun you schlatt can get to know dream a little better and can see why he's the love of my life" I say and kiss dreams forehead.

Wilbur jumps with joy and lifts schlatt of the ground every time he jumps. I look down at my pocket and smile.

Just maybe I can get that down while on the date.

I plan to bring him to the first place we met we were like 12 and I was playing with Wilbur in the woods when I ran in to him we stayed close for years we jumped from roof to roof when we were 16. He stole bread and trained for duels.

Until his dad killed him self

Ever one thought it was dream who did it because his dad abused him every day

Dream was on the run to get out of the kingdom that he left me alone

" promise me you'll wait for me to come back"

" I promise I'll wait for you but promise me you will come back"

" I promise my love"

And with that he left

But he never broke the promise

Avenge the king ( dream x techno)Where stories live. Discover now