Cas is recording, and so is Tory, but this time, you don't mind. You set Z down and removed the blindfold from his eyes.

"Surprise!" They chorused.

Zakai looked around at all their faces and the bubbles and balloons with so much confusion. Then he paused and smiled. "Oh! Heyo!"

As you expected, the first person he payed attention to was Headie. "Morelife, Z, you a big boy now?"

"Bi' boy!"

"Yeah, a big boy. You wanna see all your presents?" One by one, they all moved to the side to reveal the stack of presents to him. "Wow, look at these."

Z's jaw literally dropped. He screamed in excitement, clapping his hands. He doesn't fully understand what's going on because he won't remember his last birthday, but he ran around energetically anyway. "Yay!"

"Come here, where you goin?" Cas chuckled. "Come open your presents, man."

When he was done sprinting round the living room for a full two minutes, he calmed down and started opening them. "Yook, mama!"

"What's that?"

He tore off the paper and took out a new basketball. "Oh! Bakaball!"

You gasped, even though it was you who bought him the ball. He loves playing outside with Cas; it's so beautiful to watch. "Wow, a basketball! D'you like it?"

"Yeah! Tanku mama!"

"You're welcome, bunny. Do the next one."

He took the biggest box and lifted off the lid straight away. It's like the penny had finally dropped and he realised that all of them were his. This one was a little shopping trolley with lots of toy foods in it. "Papa, yook!"

Cas said, "oh, is that a trolley? Should we go shopping later?"

"Now!" He'd taken the trolley out of the box by now and was wheeling it away.

"Now? Where you goin?"


"Oh, you goin Tesco?"

"Yeah. Bye bye mama!"

He's so perfect. That smile, that wave, that whole face. It's perfect. "Bye bunny."

~ • ~

During the party, you got horrible cramps, so went up to the balcony to get fresh air. You feel so confused because you don't even remember what happened and you woke up with all this pain and bleeding. It isn't fair.

Marcel probably had something to do with it. Your own brother may have tried to get you raped and the sad part is, you're not even surprised. You looked up to him. He was your hero. It's all changed now. Now, he's a tyrant.

Headie came up a few minutes after, and sat on the chair next to you. "Wagwan, Becca," he said with a certain look.

"Oh God, don't tell me you lot finished all the food."

He laughed, "pretty much. Imma need some of that chicken as takeaway cah it's too leng. You gonna tell me the recipe?"

"The only way you're gonna get that recipe is if you beat it out of me." There's a chuckle from him, and then a short silence. "Everything ok, though?"

"I was gonna ask you the same question. Listen, King told me what happened. I'm so sorry."

Your cheeks got hot, unaware that he knew about it. Headie's practically family, but you wish Cas would've mentioned telling him instead of doing it behind your back. "Thanks."

My Opp's Sister 2Where stories live. Discover now