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{The day of the wedding}

So many things had to be done. From Suna's makeup to the dress he agreed to wear. The veil and the flowers he were to hold. Osamu couldn't see Suna for the whole day till the whole ceremony started. Most of the people that were invited were their friends from volleyball. Other than that, it was all family members.

Suna looked astonishingly at himself in the mirror. After today, he was going to be officially a part of the Miyas. Osamu's mom helped Suna while his mom went to help Osamu. Atsumu was making sure all the decorations in the ballroom were to perfection together with Oikawa. Sakusa and Iwaizumi were just there to make sure the two of them don't fuck up anything while gettting too excited. Kita was there to lead people to their seats together with Ojiro.

7pm {Grand Ballroom}

After some speeches were given and the projector screen projected all the photos Osamu and Suna took together before the wedding. Some close friends gave their speeches including Atsumu :0

Don't worry, here's what he said,

"I'm gonna say thank you on behalf of my brother for coming to their wonderful wedding mostly me and 'kawa babes prepared. Still tho, I'm happy for you lil bro and I hope you and Rintaro chan live a wonderful married life together. Im a little mad you're getting married before me but meh. Going to Singapore with you was fun, don't forget about me when you get married you dumb biatchhhhhh!"

The twin's mom was obviously a bit mad that he sweared but she wasn't going to ruin the mood because of it.

Suna never thought he would be the one being walked down the aisle, every in his life has he thought about it. But today, osamu proved him wrong, boys CAN walk down that aisle. Boys CAN wear dresses. We're all humans after all.

"Son, dad is proud of you no matter what, if anything happens, I'll beat the shit out of that jerk for you"

"Dad, don't say that, I know he won't do anything to hurt me intentionally..."

"Take care son"

"God you're being too supportive"
Suna said as he dried a little bit of his tears onto the sleeve. If his eyeliner wasn't waterproof, he could say byebye to the pictures he was going to take afterwards because he would look like someone from the walking dead.

As emotional wedding music played, Suna, soon to be Miya, hugged his dad one last time before he slowly walked down the red carpet in front of him, veil covering the beauty underneath it.

With the help of Kuroo persuading Kenma to help, there were two drones, three drones actually, one to record the whole wedding and two that rained flower petals, it looked magical.

Suna walked, slowly, after today, he would no longer be a "Suna". After today, he would officially be married to the love of his life. After today, it would be a whole new journey for the both of them.

His dad let go of him as he slowly walked up those stairs.

Osamu slowly flipped the veil to the back of Suna's head, revealing his lover, a whole beauty in front of him. With and without the make up, he wouldn't care, because, in front of him, was Suna. No one could replace his rinny. No one.

The priest started talking and they both gave their vows. It was time.

"Do you, Miya Osamu, take Suna Rintarou, to be your forever husband, life and death do you part."

"I do"

"And do you, Suna Rintarou, take Osamu Miya, to be your caring husband, sharing everything, the pain, pleasure and sadness and wealth."

"I do"

"I now announce you both officially married, you shall kiss, may you live a happy life together."

They smiled at each other and exchanged their first kiss as a married couple. The crowd clapped and that was how, their new life, began.


𝐋𝐮𝐱𝐮𝐫𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐚𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐞 Where stories live. Discover now