Chapter 9 || Home

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10:12pm {Haneda Airport, Tokyo,Japan}

Osamu gently shook Suna to get him to wake up. They were here. Suna's ass was honestly numb for sitting for that long, his legs still hurt too.

"You can walk?"

"I guess..."

Atsumu and Sakusa had already got off and went into the airport, it was just Osamu, Suna and a few other passengers taking their time to get off. Osamu took the smaller luggage from the top, Suna just brushed over his coat and walked through the little tunnel thing.

"Well well well, what took you both so long?"

Atsumu asked while Sakusa took one of their luggages he saw.

"I had a bit of trouble getting up..."

Suna yawned. He was honestly just tired.

"That's what happens when you get fucked too hard my dear"

Atsumu said again as he sarcastically acted as if he was shedding a tear. Sakusa heard it but didn't care as if he had given up and Osamu was busy looking for the other luggages and rolled his eyes. Suna was too tired to even care.

After a good ten minutes, they found their luggages and went to chill for a bit before getting a cab all the way to the nearest train station and took another 6 hour train ride back to Hyogo City.

They were all glad they weren't really noticed when they reached Tokyo. The twins gave a few autographs to some locals but other than that, they weren't really crowded by fangirls like last time.


4:43am {Shinkaichi train station, Hyogo City}

The four of them got off the train. They dragged their luggages out and went to the station entrance, it was quiet. Not many people were there. This is where they were going to part ways.

"Well, this is it"

Atsumu said. He was honestly sad that he wasn't going to see his brother or mock Suna again for quite a while till their practice dinner or maybe wedding. But he didn't show it.

Osamu gave a small smile,

"We're not dying. You'll see us again in a while"

"Yeah, gotta admit, making tik toks was fun"

Suna sincerely told Atsumu. He did in fact enjoy them a bit.

"Well you still have Saku-"

"Yes indeed you still have me"

They laughed it off and Osamu saw his assistant there with his car and his brother's taxi driver arrive.

"Don't forget to invite me and OmiOmi to the wedding, ok?"

"Yes yes we will"

Osamu gave Atsumu a hug and the two brothers parted ways.

They got into their separate cars and went back to their houses.


5am {With Sakusa and Atsumu}

"Hey Omi..."


"If i said I miss Osamu already, would you believe me?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

"I will never admit this but then again, I miss him already..."

"I can't see why you won't, you both have depended on each other for most of your lives"


"Don't be sad"

"Is Omi actually comforting me right now~"

"Forget what I said"



5:36am {Osamu and Suna's apartment unit}

"Well everything comes to an end"

Suna said as he entered the house with Osamu.

"Well you ain't wrong~"

Osamu gave Suna a sweet peck on the lip and they left the luggages in the living room. They changed into some comfortable clothes and just cuddled to sleep. It was the end of the trip and a start of a new beginning.

They were finally, home.

𝐋𝐮𝐱𝐮𝐫𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐚𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐞 Where stories live. Discover now