Chapter 11 || Agreement

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Suna awoke to Osamu on his phone sitting on the edge of his side of the bed, back facing him.


"Morning Rinny"

Osamu kissed Suna's forehead and Suna washed up.

Osamu was thinking on how he should tell Suna about the situation they were in. They just got engaged a few days back, they wouldn't break up, would they?

"Suna, there's something i need to tell you"

Osamu said as he gave Suna his usual morning coffee.


"Someone posted this, online"

He showed his phone screen to him, it showed him and Suna kissing while they were in the infinity pool at their hotel. Then, there was another picture of them holding hands at Universal Studios. There was another one of them sharing food.



"What now?"

"It's either we let the public know or..."

"Or what 'samu, or what?"

Suna was obviously moody. He was a little mad too.

This idiot that took those photos...

"Give me your phone"


Suna grabbed osamu's phone and checked the likes, it was surprisingly a lot, then he went to check the comment section, there were people saying it was cute, there weren't much haters, so Suna kept his sanity.

Suna took out his own phone and posted a tweet, tagging Osamu in it.

"We'll give the public what they want then"

Osamu got a notification.

The tweet wrote we're dating, and then?

"Someone's being moody~"

"Shut it, I'm too tired for this, if my volleyball coach calls, answer it for me and tell him I ain't coming and i'm sick, you'll know his contact when you see "Annoying Bitch""

Suna's notifications started getting spammed with likes and comments. All his social media platforms were being tagged, Osamu's too. Suna just put it on don't disturb mode and went back to sleep.

Not long after, Osamu got a call from Atsumu,


"Yooooo, did you know Suna came out?"

"On his tweet? Yeah, why?"

"I-Wait so it wasn't a joke?"


"Well my turn-"


Atsumu ended the call, chaos was coming...

Was Osamu wrong tho? Nope. Atsumu posted a tweet and tagged him and made sure he put the hashtag "#SakuAtsusails" Osamu face palmed himself and was mentally and physically prepared for the press conference.

Drama is up next people-

Hope you enjoyed this chapter sksksksk

See ya'll soon~

𝐋𝐮𝐱𝐮𝐫𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐚𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐞 Where stories live. Discover now