Alistair cleared his throat and handed a tablet, my brows furrowing in curiousity, "There had been two demon attacks around Myeongdong district and a demon possession in Busan. The bodies are being held at the lab to have it checked but we are still waiting for the Clave's approval. You can check them out."

Mom took the tablet and started to walk away towards where the forensic lab of the institute is, "Amaris should take after you." She spoke, making sure to glare at me in the process.

As soon as she disappeared on the hallway, Alistair turned to me. He adjusted the cuff of his white long-sleeve dress shirt before shoving his hands in the pocket of his black slacks. He almost looked like our dad.

"So," He trailed off, the corner off his lips lifting up, making me roll my eyes, "Care to tell me what happened?" He mused as he led us towards the center of the Ops. Amity rested her head on my shoulder, her hands playing with my hair.

"Well, there's Jace being Jace," I started, "And Mom being Mom."

"Right," He scoffed, his lips turning up into a small smirk, not looking a bit surprised, "Of course."

"Have you two talked?" Alistair asked softly, referring to an impeccable resentment Jace held towards me.

"I tried, oppa." I said, "I tried. Countless times. And failed, miserably."

Alistair furrowed his brows, "You know, Jace can't keep holding our mother's decision against you."

I let out an exasperated sigh, "Apparently, he can." I gave him a flat look, "And he will, 'coz by the looks of it - his hate only seems to grow stronger day by day."

Alistair hummed, "Hate is a strong word."

"I don't know – and it's weird, you know because the person I expected to hate me was Alec."

"Alec can't hate you, Amaris." He replied in bored tone. We stopped by in front of a huge monitor, where a few of the red dots are spread across the map of Seoul.

"Anyway, I didn't come here to talk about my miserable life. Is Irene here?" I asked, completely ignoring his comment.

Irene Bae is the High Warlock of Seoul, another close friend of the family — or more like of Dad and Alistair, because Mom isn't exactly trusting to the Downworlders.

"I've heard my name. Who summoned me?"

As if on cue, a petite girl with a sharp but delicate feature, wearing a very sparkly spaghetti strapped maxi dress walked out of a portal. Her hair styled in its usual mermaid curls, flowed behind her like a curtain as she strode towards us. I saw Alistair rolled his eyes, but a small smile remained on his lips, looking like he was so done yet amused with the warlock's overly dramatic entrance.

"Ah, my favorite shadowhunter is here!" She beamed at me.

Amity quickly shot her head up, almost bumping into my chin, and matched the grin Irene was wearing as she wiggle out of my arms.

"I thought I'm your favorite shadowhunter?" Amity piped up as she raises her hands. Irene scooped her up from my arms and twirled her around.

"You are my favorite person." She whispered, causing for Amity to giggle.

"You are such a liar." My brother muttered, "You just said yesterday that she's your favorite shadowhunter." 

Irene shot him a mocking smile, in which he return with another roll of his eyes.

"So, to what do I owe this visit from Amaris Kwon — Oh, Lightwood, I mean." Irene corrected, and feign an innocent smile — one that I know that is far from being innocent, "My bad. How's the married life? Do I have to prepare myself for incoming babies?"

Alistair and I shot her a look, him with more of warning the warlock to shut up, and me with more of asking her that if she had really just asked that.

"Just kidding." Irene smiled and clasped her hands, "So?"

"I need you to re-rune or whatever magic you do with my gun." I told her and rubbed my forehead, not having enough energy to keep up with hers.

I pulled out the shotgun at the holster strap on my back, and handed it to her. After having my rune ceremony, Irene gifted me a gun made of pure silver, engraved with intricate details alongside the Kwon's family crest. It was an extremely rare and special weapon, a very hard one to make, seeing that Shadowhunters couldn't use any firearms as the runes won't let it work. But Irene, somehow managed to find a way, and gifted it to me.

"I see, you've been using it well."

My eyes narrowed at her, "What am I supposed to do with it besides firing it at demons?"

"Shot that asshole friend of yours." She replied without missing a beat.

I gasped, my eyes widening as I turned to Amity who had her ears covered by Alistair.


She gave us a sheepish smile, pursing her lips as she spoke, "Sorry. But I just really need to say that." Her hands forming into small fist, her body leaning a bit forward, her eyes squinting to prove how frustrated she was with my friend.

"Yes –I agree. But not in front of our five-year old sister."

Irene smiled like a chesired cat, "Duly noted."

"Anyways, tell Magnus, I said hi." Irene grinned as she handed my gun back, and I quickly secured it on the holster. I wanted to stay a bit longer, but I had to go back to New York Institute — not just because of my mother's orders, but because Alec and Isabelle had slightly gone crazy of finding me of my whereabouts, leaving a dozen of missed calls and messages on my phone which I have left unattended for the rest of the day I was here in Seoul.

"Might visit him soon to have a small trip around Greece." Irene added, referring to her long time travel buddy, the high warlock of Brooklyn — Magnus Bane.

A chuckle escaped my lips, "He would be ecstatic to hear that."

"I'm gonna miss you," Amity frowned. She pulled her lips out and held her head down, avoiding my eyes. I instantly softened, and crouched down to her lever and held her cheeks, my thumb gently caressing it.

"I would love to stay a bit longer but, someone would kick me out of this institute if I did," I told her, "I'll be back soon, I promise. Stay out of trouble, okay?"

"You should be saying that to yourself." Alistair mused. I grinned and went around to hug my older brother. His arms immediately wrapped around me.

"Everything's gonna be okay, yeah? And Jace – "

"He'll come around. Yeah, I know." I inhaled a deep breath, pulling away from him and stood in front of the portal Irene had created, "But what if he doesn't? What if he completely turns away from me?"

"Hey. What did Dad tell us?" He asked back, grasping my shoulders so I could face him.

"Transit umbra; lux permanent." The phrase rolled off my tongue smoothly, "The shadow passes; the light remains."

"Good," He nodded and gently patted my cheek, smiling softly as he did, "Just keep reaching out your hand. Jace, he will come around. I know he will. Might take some time, you just have to stick around when it comes."

I ran my fingers through my hair, and took a deep breath. I glanced back at them — my mother being absent as always. But it doesn't matter, I really don't want to see her anyway, and I figured that she feels the same way. Always.

"Dad's proud of you." Alistair said, his tone felt as if he really needs to remind me of that fact, "I am too."

"I hope so." I felt the phone in my pocket buzzed again, "I gotta go. Bye," I said, winking at them before jumping into the portal that will lead me straight to where I'm supposed to be – the New York Institute.

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