Chapter 01

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01| ties

As I stepped out of the portal, I noticed Alec walking out of our bedroom's bathroom. His footsteps halted, fingers glued on the buttons of the polo shirt he was wearing, when he noticed me standing in the middle of the room. We both cleared our throats, the awkward tension lingering between us

"Where were you?" He asked. I glanced at him before looking away almost immediately, my cheeks heating up for some reason I don't know - or I do know but refused to even acknowledge.

I shook my head before plopping down on our bed and stared at the ceiling, "I went back home."

"Oh," My eyebrow's shot up, and threw a glance at him. Alec licked his lower lips, his frown deepened - he look bothered. I lifted myself up, propping my elbows at the bed.

"What?" I asked.

His eyes snapped up to me, his hazel eyes held my boring black ones - and for a moment I found myself lost in them, my loud heart beat drowning the silence lingering between us. Alec swallowed, breaking the eye contact first, and lightly shook his head.

"Nothing," He breathed out. He cleared his throat again and resumed to button up his shirt. I frowned, biting my tongue to refrain from saying anything before laying back on the mattress.

He suddenly walked towards me, stood in between my legs, his hands latching around my wrist in a tight grip and without a warning, pulled me up. A surprised gasp escaped my lips, my eyes wide open as I frowned up at him. Alec raised a brow and gave a pointed look at me.

"You might accidentally shoot yourself with that." He said.

It took me half a minute to process what he was saying before letting out a small "oh", making Alec's lip to twitch upwards. My hands crawled up to my chest, reaching for the strap and smoothly unlatched it around me and placed the gun holster beside me.

"I know a few people who would be so damn happy if that happens." I muttered to myself, but Alec caught it.

"Who?" He frowned and crossed his arms.

"No one." I forced a smile, and mentally scolded myself. I shook my head, and eyed my husband, who oddly still hasn't finished buttoning up his shirt, his bare chest still in view, the rune - our wedding rune peaking through. I had another sharp intake of breath when I realized the position we are in - he was too close.

Too close that I couldn't have myself breathe normally.

I cleared my throat, "C-could you - uh, I don't -"

Alec's face got confused at first, his cheeks turning into a light shade of red after realizing what I was trying to say, and he quickly stepped away.

"You have a mission?" I asked after I composed myself. Alec smirked, his eyes shining with amusement.

"We have a mission," He pointed at me and the next words rolled off his tongue took me by surprise, "After we got married - you know, we have become some sort of like a package deal."

It wasn't always that Alec show or voice out his opinion about the marriage - it was a very sensitive topic, one we always try to avoid. Although he may seem to act like everything is well, I knew that it wasn't.

Being forced to marry someone you don't even love - no matter how close your ties were, will never be okay.

For a few seconds, none of us said a word, just staring into each other before Alec looked away again and continued buttoning up his shirt.

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