Chapter 10

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Innocence threaded Alec's movement, gentle yet lustful.

Our bodies were pressed together, soft silk sheets covering our lower halves as Alec pressed kisses down to my neck before connecting to my lips again.

"Alec," I breathed. My hands reached up, fingers threading through his disheveled hair.

The only light that glowed in the room was from a dimly lit lamp, our quiet moans were the only sound filling our ears. I could hardly breathe, hardly think beyond where our bodies were joined. I just melted under his touch - and I thought how it was strangely possible how it felt like his hands and fingers knew every parts, every nook of my body, and how to make it respond to its every touch.

My head leaned against Alec's bare chest, his hand playing with my hair as we lay in our bed.

Our bed.

"So," Alec drawled, "I guess, no more pillow barriers starting tonight?"

A chuckle escape my lips, glancing up at him as my finger slowly traced our wedding rune, Alec watching my every move.

"I guess so."

A comfortable silence filled the room, and we enjoyed at the feel of it, contented in each other's presence.

"I've always loved you, you know." Alec muttered softly, his eyes locking into mine, "But I was too afraid to act on it."

I shoot him a teasing smile, "But you weren't so afraid earlier."

He scoffed playfully, shaking his head as pulled me closer to him, as if the non-existent distance between us isn't enough. His hand cupped my cheeks.

"When our parents told us that we will have to get married, to bring more honor to our family names - I was happy, Amaris. I need you to know that I didn't agreed to this marriage because I was forced. I agreed to be married with you because I wanted to. Because I wanted you. As selfish as it may sound, but for once in my life - I wanted to do something for myself, and that is being with you."

"Alec," My lips trembled as I stared at him, my chest tightening in a good way as his words slowly sinked in - it felt like a fever dream, one that I always thought would just remained a dream. I licked my lower lip as Alec hovered above me, my eyes searched his, looking for any traces of lies but his eyes only burned certainty, assurance and what seemed like - love.

Love seemed like a strong word.

So strong yet strange considering that all I did for the past few years was to hide my own feelings. So strange to link it on our relationship considering that we've been married for months, but we were far from being or even close to looking in love back then.

"This felt like a dream." I whispered, my hands reaching up to touch his face.

"If this is a dream, I would never want to wake up."

I smiled lightly as he pressed his lips into mine for a few moments.

"I like this side of you." I whispered, my voice coming out raspier.

Alec laugh, the sound rich and light that I wanted to bottle it up and keep it forever, "Well, you're the one who can only see this side of me, Mrs. Lightwood."


I walked back in the Ops Center, dressed in a black ripped jeans, and a spaghetti strap leather top tucked into it. My hand ran through my slightly damp hair as I curiously glanced at Jace and Clary.

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