Chapter 05

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05| dad

"All cleared, Amaris."

"Thank you." I said, smiling at the Shadowhunter who checked up on me as I stayed at the Infirmary - or more like forcibly stayed. Alec dropped me off in here earlier, and left without another word.

My hands skimmed through our wedding rune. He may not let it show - but I felt it. His silence says it all.

A sigh escaped my lips, as I pushed myself off of the bed and stepped out the Infirmary. By the time I reached our room, I found Alec sitting on the edge of the bed, slouched over, his head buried in his hands.

I frowned, my steps light and quiet as I walked towards him. He startled as I knelt before him, so our gazes could be level - and I felt like all the air almost knocked out of my lungs when my eyes met his bloodshot ones.

"Alec," I called, my voice soft and worried. My hand reached up to his cheek and I felt him tensed for a moment, but leaned into my palm, "Are you alright?"

A small smile tug on his lips, but the smile turned into a wince, "I should be the one asking you that."

"I know," I said, "But I'm fine."

He closed his eyes, his hand covering mine, "If something happened to you -" He trailed off, his voice cracking.

"I know," I answered, a heavy feeling pooled in my chest at the thought - and slowly realized that if the situation was reversed, I would feel the same, "But I'm fine. We're fine. Nothing happened, Alec." I said again. His hand squeezed mine, as if he needed to be reminded of that.

I caught myself staring, taking in every feature of his. I tentatively reached out my free hand, brushing away the piece of hair that covered his eyes, and my fingers slowly padded it's way through his soft hair.


I blinked, and already found him staring back at me. A warm feeling bloomed in my chest, and noticed how close we have gotten. Our noses were almost touching, and I could feel his breath fanning over my lips. I must have leaned closer - or maybe he did, but for a moment, I wanted to stay like this.

I take in a shuddering breath, "I-I'm sorry, I didn't notice -" I stammered and tried to pull away.

"No, wait." Alec said and held my hand tighter, keeping me in place. His forehead rested in mine, not breaking eye contact as my heart thrummed wildly in my chest - drowning the silence between us, "Stay."

I licked my lips, forcing a swallow, "Alec, w-we should..."

His gaze flickered to my lips, "We should what?"

His hands went to cup my face, pulling my face closer to his - and I could feel myself melting at the sudden tenderness and closeness. We were playing with fire, a fire I didn't even notice that was there between us. That much I know.

Just as his lips were inches above mine, a knock resounded on the door. I quickly pulled away, my eyes wide as I stood up, straightening my vest, my skin prickling with heat as if it was set on fire. Alec didn't even move a muscle, his eyes still on me, licking his lips as his gaze drifted down to our wedding rune in my chest.

For years, I was actually confident with all these clothing choices, but now I suddenly felt bare beneath his gaze. His gaze alone feels like he could see right through me.

I faced the door as Isabelle's head popped out behind it, her eyes flickering between Alec and I, "Hey..." She drawled.

"Hey," I said as I ran my fingers through my hair, my voice coming out raspier. Something sparked in Isabelle's eyes, the corner of her lips tugging upward but didn't say another word when I gave her a look.

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