Chapter 15: Pregnant?!

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A/N: Let's just pretend I didn't forgot to pick up Blaise, so now Blaise is with them I'm sorry I completely forgot

I woke up with 2 hours of sleep and i was exhausted

I went to mom and dad's room

"Mom? Dad?" I said

"Hey darling" mom said and she looked uneasy and she looked like she was about throw up

"You alright mom?" I said

"Yeah! I'll tell you later. Now get everyone up. We need to leave" mom said then i nodded then i went to the room

And all i can think about is is that mom has been acting weird lately, she always rushes to the bathroom then she's a bit sensitive now. Then i just shook it off then i woke them up

"Guys wake up! We need to leave!" I said then they groaned and they got up. Then we got ready

I took a shower and i wore this

Then i just went in my room to get something and hang out there for a little

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Then i just went in my room to get something and hang out there for a little. I already packed everything so I'm good to go.

I'm just reading some of my favorite books. Then someone knocked

"Come in" i said it was Harry he looks so cute in that outfit that i gave him on Christmas

"Hey Y/N" said Harry

"Oh hey Harry, are you done getting ready?" I asked

"Yeah" then he just laid his head on my lap

"You know, mom has been acting weird lately, she's always rushing to the bathroom, she's a bit sensitive. Oh and yesterday those twin boys that i saved was so cute they called me sissy and i kinda want like a baby brother or sister" i said chuckling

"Well that would be really nice tho. I mean i have a cousin but he's terrible" Harry said i felt bad for him.

Then it hit me, i want to do something that might take years to do, i want to bring Lily and James back. Later I'm gonna asked dad if he could help me. All i know that it's possible but it take years to do

"It's alright Harry, one day you don't have to live with those skank anymore" i said chuckling "now let's go"

Then we went to where the other were

"Mom has been acting weird" i said

"Yeah. Always rushing to the bathroom" Allison said

"She's always dizzy" Ben said

"Wait, this can only mean one thing" i said realizing mom could be

"Pregnant." Hermoine and I exclaimed

Then they all looked shocked.

"You think so?" Five asked

"Well yeah, i mean yesterday when i saved those twin boys they called me sissy, and i told myself that i kinda want a baby brother or sister? And i guess my wish came true or it's just a coincidence?" I said nervously chuckling

Y/N Hargreeves: A Harry Potter x Umbrella Academy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now