Chapter 26: Quidditch Accident

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Harry's POV

We're now in Defense Against the Dark Arts, Y/N and the girls aren't here. Then Snape walked in and closed every window with his wand.

"Turn to 394" Snape said

"Excuse me sir where's Professor Lupin?" I asked

"That's not really your concern Potter" he said

Then he told me Professor Lupin isn't capable of teaching at the present time. Then he turned Ron's book to 394

Your POV

"Werewolves?" Ron asked

I looked at my book. I knew exactly what Professor Snape is doing. He's trying to expose Uncle Remus. Sometimes he's sweet to me then he can be a real pain in the arse.

"But sir, we just learned about red cap and hinky punks" Hermoine said

"We're not meant to start this for weeks" i said

"Quiet" Professor said

"When did they come in?" Ron asked

"Did you see them come in?!" The boys asked we just shook our heads

"Now which one of you can tell me the difference between an Animagus and a Werewolf?" Professor asked

Me and Hermoine's hand shot up

"No one? How disappointing" Professor said

'God he's a pain in the arse' I thought

"Please sir" me and Hermoine said

"An Animagus is a wizard who elects to turn into an animal" Hermoine said

"A werewolf has no choice. With each full moon, he no longer remember who he is, he'd kill his best friend, further more the werewolf only responds to the call of its own kind." I said

"AWHOOO" Draco said i glared at him

"Thank you Mr. Malfoy. That is the second time you've spoken out of turn Miss Granger, Miss Hargreeves. Are you two uncapable of restraining yourselves or do you both take pride in being an insufferable know-it-all" Professor said

I rolled my eyes

"He's got a point you know" Ron said and i glared at him

"10 points to Gryffindor." Professor said

Then he walked to me and gave me a small smile

Harry's POV

"I bet you would know all about werewolves, Miss Hargreeves" Snape said to Y/N

Y/N went pale and she looks like she was about to cry. I wanted to go to her and comfort her. Then she covered her face with her hair. I looked at her book and saw it had 3 wet spots meaning she was crying.

"As an antidote to your ignorance, and on my desk, Monday morning, two rolls of parchment on werewolf." Snape said "With partially emphasis on recognizing it"

"It's Quidditch tomorrow" i said

"Then I suggest you take extra care, Mr. Potter" he said "loss of limb will not excuse you, page 384"

He walked away. Then a paper flew over and landed in front of me. I opened it and it was a drawing of what I'm assuming is me, on a broom getting electrified and i looked up to see Malfoy grinning.

Y/N took the paper and looked at it, then she waved her hand, it caught fire, then she burned the paper. Everyone looked at her

"You draw terribly Draco." Y/N said "Next time you'll burn just like this paper"

Y/N Hargreeves: A Harry Potter x Umbrella Academy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now