"Morning", I say to the table everyone greets me back.

"Today is going to be a very busy day I gather the crowds have already started arriving at the church", says Laila.

"It's the people's second time seeing Sophia since she was born they're excited to see her Laila. Not to mention she is the embodiment of the continuation of the monarchy. My granddaughter is the star of today's show and quite rightly too". You could hear the pride in the king's voice, he takes Sophia from his wife.

After breakfast I take Sophia up to the nursery and I give her to her nanny then look through my wardrobe. All the ladies in the royal family were wearing co-ordinating outfits today. I was wearing a olive dress with a high neckline and matching belt.  We were all basically wearing the same style dress with a slight variation and in a different colour. For instance Leila's dress was white and had a boatneck neckline the idea was to make the day about the future heir to the throne not us.

Diego walks into my closet and I dismiss my lady's maid.

"You look amazing darling what do you say to a secret Rendezvous later on?"

Diego takes my hand which was running down his chest and kisses it.

"I say you're on, now let's go get our daughter christened".

"Wait let me just do a quick check of my handbag that I've everything I need. Spare testing kit✅glucose tablets✅insulin✅emergency snack✅✅. Ok let's go get Sophia and get in the car".

Diego and I walked into Sophia's nursery.

"Where's Sophia I told Carmella we would take her downstairs", I say worryingly to Diego.

"They are probably downstairs there's nothing to worry about".

When we got downstairs Carmella or Sophia was nowhere in sight. I ask when people last saw her everyone saw her last at breakfast with Carmella. Just as I was about to start going postal Emma walks in with her.

I run and take Sophia from her, "What the hell Emma you don't walk into a person's house then take their child from the house and don't tell anyone".

"You disappoint me Emma", says our very angry father.

"Really because I took her brat for a walk". I walk over to her and slap her.

"Where's Carmella she would never let you take Sophia out the house".

"Oh her, I saw her around here somewhere she was all tied up. She know I was family and just insisted I take Sophia's on a walk. Of course her bodyguards came with us. Not even six months old and that brat is more important than me".

Emma could tell by my face how unhappy I was with the stunt she just pulled. I needed to get Sophia washed, fed and changed before we leave. Since she was wearing the same baby grow as earlier this morning. I knew she hadn't been seen to. I get Sophia ready and we made our way to the cathedral. As I exit the car I hear a car back firing then screams my bodyguard was telling Diego and I to get back in the car.

My sister had a gun and she fired it at our father. I opened the car door and run towards him.

"Daddy please don't leave me". I began shouting before sobbing.

Emma looked like a child on Christmas morning unwrapping her presents and getting everything she asked for.

I look right at her, "You planned this. What were you going to harm Sophia too. I'm curious why did you bring her back this morning?"

"It's kinda hard to kill a baby with a bodyguard watching and following your every move".

Carmella walks up to Emma and taps her on the shoulder Emma's mouth was agape.

"But you're tie"..

She doesn't get to finish her sentence as Carmella punches her in the face knocking her out.

A woman with red hair and green eyes run over to Emma lifting her head and placing it in her lap.

"I'm here now sweetheart you got your revenge your father is dead".

I left dad's side and walk over to my sister and the woman, "Hello mother dearest how unpleasant it is to see you again. You must tell me the name of your plastic surgeon he's done a banging job on your face. It's a shame you can't fix ugly".

"Hello Anette dear", says my father walking towards us.

My mother starts spurting 'You, you".   Some police officers start to handcuff her and my sister. They were about to take them away.

"Wait my mother and sister came here to destroy my life and happiness so I want them to watch my daughter get christened. Something tells me next week there's a good chance they won't be around to commiserate about their plans going badly wrong".

"God you're stupid I'll still celebrate it Victoria I've just embarrassed you on the world stage." I laugh at her feeling no fear, ting of sadness, regret or bitterness towards her.

"You seem to forget mother unlike other countries the royals in Sardinia rules the country they are not just figure heads".

Wow just wow how could they be so cold, the next chapter is the show down between Emma and Victoria. Anette and Emma didn't get what they wanted, what do you think will happen to them?

Beyond The Tiara(house of Jensen Series Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now