Chapter One. The Sanctuary

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Authors note:

Hey everyone!!! I'm finally back with another story - Darling in the Franxx Smut and Alternate Ending! I can hear the DITF fans screaming right now LOL.

Enjoy! It isn't finished yet and I'm still working on the plot so if you have any ideas or MUST SEES, comment them and I'll tag you for credit if I decide to use your idea!



It's only because I met you, that I can stand here right now


The faint hymn of birdsong expanded toward the Garden that was lost to time. Still rays of weak sunlight peeked through the overgrown canopy and other forms of native plants, casting a warm glow to the empty sanctuary. A seemingly calm sky rolled above, puffy white clouds crawling with the wind, causing interesting shapes to appear.

A loud gasp interrupted the tranquility as my body jerked up in a seated position, my eyes large as I scanned the space around me. Another gasp left my mouth as the scent of sweet flowers and wet grass flooded my nose, almost suffocatingly. Eventually, my senses got used to my surroundings and I began to take a proper look at myself, although I'm not sure what for.

My arms and legs were skinny, my knees, ankles, elbows, and wrists protruded almost sickeningly. How long had I been here?

Then, like a baby deer learning to walk, I found my balance and stepped out of the shadows and towards the shimmering grass. My eyes stay glued to my feet as I walked, as to not lose my train of thought. A small smile appeared on my lips as thick blades of grass spiked between my toes, the warm sun feeling heavenly against my pale skin.

Thick, dark blue hair fell into my eyes as I looked ahead, causing me to frown slightly.

"Blue hair?" I reached up and tugged the strands as if touching them would ease my confusion. It didn't.

Large fig trees guarded the perimeter of the forest, spindly trees filled in the space which left almost no view to beyond. I followed the stained pathway towards what appeared to be a huge robot. As I got a closer view of the mechanism, the frown between my brows deepened. I raised a gentle hand to the shell, which had a coloration of light grey with tinted blue engravings.

As I examined the half-buried machine, a faint sound expelled from outside of the tree barrier. Before I could even think, my legs began carrying me towards the sound as my arms gathered scratches from pushing thorny leaves and branches out of my way. The bottoms of my feet began to ache as the rocks and twigs on the forest floor dug into them, but I persevered. With a final stretch, I reached the end of the woods and took a step onto the soft, wispy grass.

The grass felt different from the abandoned sanctuary and reached my mid-shin. I feel my mouth widen into a grin as I admired the open plains, the bright blue sky even clearer from here. A small gust of wind picked up and played with my hair, my strands looking much light as the grass danced around me.

Despite the rather deserted plain, there appeared to be a large incline up ahead which lead to the top of a tall hill. I began my trek towards it, loving the feeling of the soft grass beneath my feet, the slightly damp dirt clinging to them. It felt as if I had been asleep for eternity and I had only just woken up. To a new world.

After what seemed like an hour, my tired legs dug into the soil of the top of the hill. A beautiful view of the everlasting green and blue laid beneath me as I peered into the horizon. Not a single blemish in sight.

The wind felt stronger on the hill, it certainly did an exceptional job at blocking out any noise. A warm presence appeared behind me and I closed my eyes, accepting the kisses from the sun. However, my eyes reopened when a small hand enveloped my two fingers. I looked towards the small child that was responsible.

Large, curious, blue eyes inspected my face thoroughly as platinum blonde hair framed her face in the wind. She bore a small smile as her other hand showed off a small white flower.

"Darling," she mouthed, slowly handing me the flower. I blinked, and in what felt like slow motion, and when my eyes opened again, the small girl was replaced by a tall woman. Her long pink hair flowed behind her as she stared at me with her fox-like eyes. The woman mouthed 'darling', much like the child did, before disappearing.

The small girl let go of my fingers as a man approached from behind her. His greyish blonde hair was easy to spot against the green grass, however, his shocked and rather horrified face was more noticeable.

He ran towards us and grabbed the small girl, shaking her and telling her to run and grab everyone. My face is neutral as I watched him, searching his eyes for any kind of memory.

"Hiro?! W-what? How!? WHY ARE YOU NAKED?" My analysis was interrupted by the short man clucking in my face. Before I could comprehend his questions, his arms were over my shoulders in a tight embrace.

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