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As Strelizia finally crumbled and exploded into millions of tiny pieces, two orbs fizzled out - a blue and a red. As the Klaxosaur's glittering remains eventually twinkled into the darkness of space, the two lights gracefully floated back the way they came.

An evil laugh surrounded them as the swarming VIRM descended from the defeated couple.

"We will meet again."

The red orb twinkled as the speed of their return increased, white lines flitting past them as they traveled at an immense rate.

"Promise you'll come to me, darling," Zero's voice cooed angelically. The blue hue from the other orb brightened.

"Of course, I love you," Hiro replied as the Earth came into view.

"I love you more, darling."

The two bulbs glowed a little more before they began their descent down to earth, where they hoped to find each other again.

My Wings Exist for You | Zero Two x Hiro Where stories live. Discover now