"Is that..." she took it out and showed us. "Is that a... what even is that?"

Raven stood up and walked to her. She took the thing from her.

"It's like many different tools in one." Raven grinned at her, proud of her idea.

Octavia stared at it for a moment, confused. After a seconds she just smiled and pulled Raven in to another hug.

"I don't know how to use it and I probably won't need to, but I love it. Thank you, Rae!"

As none of them forgot about Octavia's birthday and they all had some presents for her, they spend their whole time till the dinner watching Octavia unpack presents and then they just talked, having some fun as much as they could, considering they had like half an hour plus not so big room.

Eventually they had to go to restaurant. The dinner was good and after it they had like ten minutes to take everything they needed for a small trip to the city next to them.

The road took them only twenty minutes and they all got out of the bus.

"Alright kids. Attention for a moment." Ms. Simons stood in front of a big group of all students. "You're gonna pair up for a groups counting at least two persons and with this group walk around the city. Does everyone understand me?" As everyone slowly, quite bored nodded she continued. "Good. Assembly is within an hour." She looked at students for a slight moment, clearly avoiding the group and walked to other teachers.

"What are we gonna do?" Octavia looked at all of them, smiling excited.

Lexa and Clarke looked at each other for a second.

"I think we're gonna start alone..." Clarke smiled, but as she noticed Octavia's not so happy expression she added quickly, "but we're gonna catch up."

Lexa put an arm around Clarke. "No worries," she added and smiled to.

"Alright, lovebirds. Go enjoy each other." Octavia nodded and they walked away.

Slowly walking through the city, holding hands they just admired the view of it. The girls decided to buy something for Abby and then find their friends again.

"I don't know, Klork... Maybe this calendar?" Lexa took one and showed it to the blonde.

Clarke took it and looked through all twelve pages. She nodded.

"It is beautiful... and mum was actually complaining that she'll need one." She stared at Lexa. "You think, she'll like it?"

Lexa smiled. "It's your mum, Klork."

Clarke chuckled. "Come on. You've been living with us for three months."

"I think she'll love it."

Clarke nodded and they headed to the cashier. But peace was not given to them as they turned around and saw Finn.

"Well, well, well. Look at you, two." He smirked.

They both sighed. "Just let us be, Finn." And they pasted him. The girls actually thought that he really let them be. He wasn't as easy. They did pay for the calendar and got out of the shop, but on the street he approached them again.

"Where do you think you're going?" He stopped just in front of them.

"To McDonald's. That's where." Clarke angrily tried to move him, but Finn was too big for her.

"Come on, Clarke." He put his hands in the air, laughing. He sounded like some psychopath. Seriously. It wasn't the Finn that Clarke was with before. "We had some good time together." He took a step to Clarke, but Lexa slipped in between them. "See?" he asked, and looked at Clarke through Lexa. "Your girlfriend is willing."

Lexa's jaw clenched.

"I swear to god, back off..." she mumbled, quietly, and slightly pushed him away.

He looked shocked at his torso where her hands landed. He stared at her for a few seconds and wanted to push her back, but she swang in the way that he missed.

"Finn, I'm warning you."

Her voice was quiet, but serious. Clarke has not heard it before, as Lexa didn't have to use it. It might scare her a bit in a normal situation, but now she was quite impressed. She didn't know that her girlfriend was capable of it. She sounded like she could hurt Finn in any second, really easily.

Finn seemed like someone just took control over his body.

On the warning he didn't back off as requested. He smiled lunatically. He started getting closer to them. Lexa didn't hesitate for a second. Her hand formed in a fist, like her mother taught her years ago, and perfectly hit the bottom of his jaw. He felled on the ground. His mouth started bleeding uncontrollably, but it worked. He stayed on the ground, looking at her in a horror. Unfortunately, Finn wasn't the only one who was looking at them.

As Lexa grabbed Clarke's hand and wanted to come back to their friends she suddenly stopped, as she noticed the person in front of them. Miss Simons.

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