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"It's so beautiful here."

They finally got at the top of the waterfall. The whole group stood on the right side of the water, looking at the beautiful view.

"O, can you take a photo of us?" Clarke looked hopefully at Octavia and handed her phone as she nodded.

Clarke and Lexa stood at the end of the rock, but in the way that they were still safe from falling down. They stood there just looking at the view and holding hands as Octavia took a position behind them, trying to take the best shot that would show the perfect look for the view.

As Octavia told them that the picture was ready, they decided to changed the position for another one. Octavia walked a bit closer to them, while they turned to her, but not completely, only their sides were shown. They slowly started to leaning in to a kiss, so that Octavia would take also a photo of their faces really close not only on each other.

But before Octavia could find some good position Ms. Simons came between them interrupting the photo shoot.

"I could've agreed on hands, but I won't agree for this. It's a sin and I won't allow it on this trip." She got between Clarke and Lexa, harshly ripping them off. Octavia totally shocked just stared at her, but this time Lexa decided to fight her teacher.

"You're agreeing on Octavia and Lincoln doing such a shots, but we can't?" For the first time Lexa exploded from the hate that Simons kept putting in them.

"It's because they're normal," she pointed at Octavia behind her, not even looking at her. "You both are not."

Her shouts dragged the attention of a whole trip. As Ms. Simons was the only one who got on the waterfall no one was there to stop her. Still, behind Clarke and Lexa gathered their friends, just next to them Raven and Luna. "You too," she pointed at them, looking disgusted.

"They are as normal as I or Lincoln," Octavia finally joined the discussion. She couldn't bare Ms. Simons bullying them all the time anymore. "You are a teacher. You should set a good example." Octavia stood in front of her friends. "Perhaps our principal would want to know that he hires a homophobe."

Ms. Simons opened her mouth in shock. Then closed it, opened again to just walk away from them and announced that the trip was coming back. The students weren't happy about it, but they didn't dare to complain, neither to the teacher or the group.

Lexa and Clarke hugged Octavia tightly, thanking her.

"I won't just stand anymore watching her bully you. Now take each other's hands and let's go, cause I'm hungry and the dinner is waiting for me."

They all burst out laughing from her.


"SURPRISE!" They all screamed as Octavia with Lincoln entered the door.

Octavia stopped, clearly shocked, and just stared at them. The tears showed up on her face and big smile rose on it. She looked at Lincoln and then walked to her friends for a hug.

"I can't believe it." She looked all around. "I thought you guys forgot."

Raven laughed. "Could we ever?" She took something from behind her. It was a small box. She handed it to Octavia. She took it and before unpacking it, she pulled her friend again. Raven smiled and wiped her tears. "Unpack it!" She grinned excited.

Everyone took some seat as Octavia stood at the center of the room. One last time she looked at Raven and started unpacking it. As she was the only one who could see it she just frowned and looked at Raven, narrowing her eyebrows even more.

When green met blue || Clexa AU COMPLETEDOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara