17 - No PDA on this trip

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Two months later

"Lexa! Clarke! You're gonna be late!" Abby shouted from downstairs.

"One minute!" Clarke answered from her room for the both of them.

"You don't have one minute!"

Lexa took both suitcases and Clarke both backpacks, and they rushed downstairs. Abby was already waiting in the car. They shoved everything into it and jumped themselves. Abby fastly pulled away and drove to school.

The bus was already there, along with many children. She stopped on some parking slot and turned to them.

"Have fun."

"Thanks, mum," Clarke answered and got out of the car.

"Thank you, Abby," Lexa also wanted to walk out, but Abby stopped her.

"Take care of her." She was really serious.

"I will."

They walked to the bus as Abby drove away. Lexa put both suitcases into the bus and they spotted five of their friends.

"Excited?" Luna asked as they walked to them.

"Yeah," Lexa put an arm around Clarke. "I think it's my first school trip."

It was the beginning of December. As always, TonDC highschool was organizing a trip for students. The whole group decided to go there. The road that would take them about four hours. A small, but beautiful resort, with lovely views next to it. They would be there for five days.

"Well, it was amazing a year ago, so I think it will be nice this year, either," Jasper said, smiling.

They were all excited. Something like this was a really nice break in your senior year. And if that wouldn't be enough, they would come back perfectly for the beginning of Christmas break.

Soon enough, all the kids signed and the bus drove away from the school. They managed to take the whole back of the bus, as they were the biggest group of friends on the bus.

At the last five seats were sitting Monty and Harper on the left, Jasper and Mya on the right, and lonely Murphy between them. In front of Monty and Haper were we and in front of Jasper and Mya were Luna and Raven. In front of us were Lincoln and Octavia, and in front of Luna and Raven was Bellamy as lonely as Murphy.

"Lex, it's so early. And I'm not sleeping, lately," Clarke looked at Lexa, who was sitting next to the window. Clarke yawned. "I'm so tired." She laid her head on Lexa's chest and turned a bit so that her legs hung over the armrest. It wasn't a comfortable position for her, but Clarke was too tired to even think about it. Lexa laid her arm on Clarke, hugging her slightly, and rested her head on the top of Clarke's. Like this, they fell asleep soon.


After one hour some movement woke up Lexa. She stretched and saw Clarke next to her. She was sitting now with her back turned to Lexa and legs under the armrest. She was talking about something with Raven and Luna. As Raven, who was sitting exactly the same as Clarke, noticed that Lexa was awake, she pointed at her.

Clarke turned around and grinned. She moved closer to Lexa.

"You look adorable, when you're still not fully awake, you know?" she asked and pecked Lexa.

"You're telling me that every morning, so, yes, I know," Lexa smiled, slightly. "How long have I been asleep?"

"An hour."

"We've got three left?" Clarke nodded, looking at her watch. "What are we gonna do?"

"I don't know. Maybe we could continue watching The walking dead. We've been watching this for a month," Clarke answered and took out her phone.

"It's a really long show," Lexa defended herself, knowing that she was the reason they were watching it so long.

"You just can't watch TV shows," Clarke pecked Lexa's cheek, smiling widely. "That's fine. We've got hella a lot of shows to learn you."

Lexa kissed Clarke, this time a bit longer.

"Hey! No PDA on this trip!" The teacher stood next to their seat.

Lexa and Clarke unwillingly pulled away from each other and straightened up in their seats.

"Yes, ma'am," Clarke answered. She tried to look at her nicely, but it more looked like a scowl.

The teacher satisfied came back to her seat.

Clarke again laid on Lexa and turned on Twd.

"It won't be as cool as you said, will it?" Clarke looked worriedly at Lexa.

"Why would you say that?" the blonde asked. "No one will ruin this trip to us. No one," she took her chin and pecked, then hugged tighter and put the phone.

They started watching it.


"Guys, I'm just saying, we should pick the good rooms, before all good will be taken," Raven said.

It was two hours since they pulled away from school. It was their first break. They've arrived at the gas station a few minutes ago, now they were eating breakfast all together at one of the biggest tables.

"Raven's right. People are already occupying rooms. We should do that, too," Jasper backed Raven.

"So, how are we sharing?" Octavia took her phone and looked at them.

After a few minutes of arguing they finally made a decision. Lincoln, Bellamy, and Murphy; Harper and Mya; Monty and Jasper; Lexa, Raven, Clarke, Luna, and Octavia. She went to the teacher to also occupy rooms for her group.

"Guys, Octavia has a birthday tomorrow, y'all remember, right?" Lincoln leaned over the table and said a bit quieter so that Octavia wouldn't hear them.

"Of course, we remember," Raven nodded. "We should make her some surprise!"

"Yeah... I thought about some small party in our free time, probably in the evening," Lincoln whispered even quieter. "You, guys, have the biggest room," he pointed at Clarke, Lexa, Raven, and Luna. "I would drag her out and you'd organize something," he nodded, now at all of them.

"It's a good plan," Clarke answered, also quietly, smiling.

"So, I think we've got a decision..." Lincoln answered.

Everyone nodded and smiled at a good idea.

"What decision?" Octavia came from the teacher and now stood behind Lincoln with hands on his back.


"That we're gonna pack ourselves out after we'd visit everyone's rooms," Murphy answered her. He was always the best liar in the group.

Everyone nodded, relieved that at least one of them was able to handle the situation.

Octavia smiled at them. "Great idea." She also nodded, unaware of the lie. "Now, I got us the rooms we wanted. But we're also now coming back to the bus."

Everyone nodded and they all stood up. The whole trip slowly started going into the bus. As the teachers counted all the kids, the bus started riding again. Two hours left.


"Oh my godness, finally!" Clarke stretched as she jumped out of the bus.

"Yeh, I know. This was exhaustive," Lexa hugged Clarke from behind. "I'll get our suitcases," she pecked Clarke's cheek and walked to the spot where all the suitcases were standing.

Clarke with a big, easy smile with two backpacks on her back just watched as Lexa simply walked to the spot.

These moments, little pieces of her life were the most precious. The easy silence, that is when you're sitting with your love. That was much more than Clarke could ever ask for. It was two and a half months since she saw Lexa on the couch in her house since her mother introduced her to her new housemate. And Clarke was so grateful for this decision. Now, she couldn't imagine a world without Lexa.

"Well, well, well," Clarke heard a voice, she hadn't heard in such a long time. "I didn't think I'd see you here, especially so happy."

Clarke's smiled turned into a scowl as she turned around.

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