A Kiss

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The months went on fine but then one day... one day Chitanda didn't come back.

It's been three months since she left. And even though Hōtarō calls her every now and then, she never answers. He leaves a text three times a day but no replies.

He asked his adviser, even went to her house, and asked her friends but... no trace of her. Chitanda dropped out without telling him anything.

"Hey Hōtarō."

Hōtarō raised his head and saw their club's president. Yep, he still goes to the club.

"I'm returning the short story you and her wrote. I hope you're not mad after what happened," the president handed him a simple made notebook.

"Thanks," he muttered and took their project that only Chitanda wrote.

After the club meeting, Satoshi tried to invite his friend for some fun but it seemed like Hōtarō returned to being lifeless.

"Nee Hōtarō ," Satoshi started. "Chitanda... about her... I'm sorry."

As expected Hōtarō didn't listen to him but walk ahead without saying a word. Satoshi sighed and walk the other way. It must've been hard for his friend. The only girl he noticed had left him without a proper goodbye.

At his room, Hōtarō immediately went to bed. He felt more empty than he was before meeting Chitanda . Why? Why did she leave me? Was all he could ask.

Exhausted as ever, he slowly closed his eyes and dozed off into his memories of Chitanda...

"Nee Chitanda," she asked looking at him. "Do you know how to paint? You went to the painting club that day."

"I don't know. It felt like it was easy to do," he answered and open his eyes to gaze at his girl's beautiful face. He was using her lap as a pillow. "Do you want me to paint something?"

Chitanda smiled and glance at somewhere. "Do you think you can paint us right now. I don't care if it doesn't look like us. I would love it if you did."

Chitanda reached his hand and caress her face. "I can but it'll take a little time."

"I can wait till then," she giggled.

"I love you," he confessed. He does this over and over again and he promise he wouldn't get tired.

Hōtarō knew she wouldn't say it back but he believe her actions more than what she would've said. It took a while and he closed his eyes.

"Hey Hōtarō," she spoke. "Are you a trash can?"

He was about to open his eyes when she put her hand down and covered them. It was darkness he saw, like how his life would without her.


"Because I'm a trash and I might end up with you."

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