eckett: Ah, I see you remember her.

Elizabeth: Someday you will suffer like I am doing right now. And that day I will be in front of you reminding you of everything bad for what you will be paying at that moment. (Without stopping aiming at him, she runs away)


《In the floating cages on Isla de Pelegostos》
Ruby was very scared, so as they hung from the cages made of human bones, Marty tried to calm her down so she wouldn't risk setting fire and burning the cage ties.

Marty: (To Ruby) Where is the talisman Jack gave you?
Ruby: In Jack's cabin. I dropped it and realized when we were getting off the ship.
Will: (To Gibbs) Why did he do this to us? If Jack is the chief.
Gibbs: Yes. The pelegostos made him their chief. But here must act like chief if he want to stay chief.

Will: He has no choice. He is a prisoner like us.
Gibbs: Worst, Will. It is actually that pelegostos think that Jack is a god in his human form.
Marty: Apparently they catched the wrong person. Hehe
Cotton: (He gives Marty a little kick)
Ruby: (To Marty) You're supposed to be trying to calm me down, not scare me more than I am.
Marty: I'm sorry... Ruby.
Will: What are you talking about, Ruby?
Marty: Nothing! Nothing important!
Will: Ruby, won't you answer me?
Ruby: Marty already answered you. Of nothing important.
Marty: (To Ruby) Calm down. Not the best place for someone like you to get mad.
Ruby: You're right. (Sits looking at the ocean)
Will: (To Gibbs) What are the pelegostos going to do with Jack?

ibbs: He was awarded the highest honor of freeing him from his prison.

Cotton: (Bites Gibbs' finger)

ibbs: Ouch! Stop it! They are going to eat him
Will: And where are the others?
Gibbs: These cages, Will, were made after we got here. The banquet is about to begin. When the drums stop, Jack will be dead.
Will: We won't stay here waiting, will we?
Ruby: What are you planning to do to get out of here?
Leech: (To Ruby from the other cage) Why don't you burn the cages?!
Marty: (To Leech) Do you want to fall?!
Ruby: (To Leech) Because if so, I have no problem burning your cage.
Will: Burn? We have nothing to burn the cages. And in case we had, we would fall, like Marty said!
Gibbs: (To Ruby) Cutie, calm down, ok?
Ruby: Ok. I just want to know one thing. Will, why did you risk coming looking for Jack?
Will: You ask me because you want to try to protect me or because you want to be away from me?
Ruby: I don't even know it well. I just want to know why you came back to the adventures in the sea.
Will: It's for Elizabeth. She is in danger.
Ruby: You definitely forgot me, didn't you?
Gibbs: Stop! Stop the discussions! Especially you, Ruby.
Will: Why don't you let her get mad? In situations like this, anyone could react badly.
Marty: For our safety! We don't want the strings to burn.
Gibbs: Marty!
Marty: I'm sorry. I better shut up.
Gibbs: Better. And you two! Ruby, you don't talk to Will anymore, and Will you don't talk to Ruby anymore. At least not until we're safe.
Ruby: I won't do it mainly because I want to see Jack alive before we die.
Marty: So what are we going to do to get out of here alive?

They all looked around until Will noticed the cliff walls and that they had roots sticking out.

Will: What do you think of those roots? They look strong.
Gibbs: And how do you intend to get there?
Ruby: If we move at the same time and make the cages swing we could get there.
Gibbs: Let's do it then.

The crew of both cages began to swing these to try to reach the cliff face and thus be able to hold onto the roots that were sticking out, to be able to climb. When they were able to assert them they began to climb.

Gibbs: Legs out and start climbing!
Will: Let's go up! We need the whole crew to help!
Leech: (From the other cage) We don't really need everyone! Six is ​​enough!

Everyone in the other cage stared at Leech and he realized that he had said something he shouldn't have said.

Leech: Ups. What did I say.

Will looked at Gibbs as if to ask him if what the man in the other cage was saying was true and he nodded. It was there that they began a race between the crew of both cages.

Will: Go on!
Marty: Get up fast! Keep going! Go!
Gibbs: Use those muscles guys! Come up!
Marty: What happens?! Run faster!

At that moment Ruby saw a native walking on a bridge in the upper area and knew that they should be quiet.

Gibbs: To the top!
Ruby: (Whispering) Wait! Stop! Make silence! (To the ones of the other cage) Stop!

ill: (Also whispering) Shut up!

It was there that everyone noticed the native crossing the bridge. Leech motioned for those in his cage to silently continue climbing.

Will: No! Where are you going?
Marty: What are you doing?!
Ruby: Stop! Wait!
Will: You are going to get killed!

Those in the other cage ignored Will's warning calls and kept climbing. Until Leech, instead of grabbing a root, grabbed a snake. His cry of fright altered everyone in that cage causing them to let go and fall, breaking the rope of the hanging cage. Their screams attracted the attention of the young native and soon he went to warn all the other pelegostos.

Ruby, seeing how her companions fell, was scared and her red locks were more noticeable but not enough for Will to notice, only the others.

Marty: It's ok. We are still good.
Ruby: (Looking into the void) Are they dead?
Cotton: (Nods)
Gibbs: There is no chance of getting out alive from a fall this high.
Marty: Ruby, don't think about this anymore and let's keep climbing.
Will: I see that seeing deaths near you affects you.
Ruby: Are you sure about that?

Ruby could not bear the fear she felt anymore and started setting her hair on fire.

Will: This is what you were talking about...
Gibbs: Will, it is not safe if we are still here doing nothing.
Marty: We have to keep going up, now!
Will: Move on!

At that point, the crew continued to climb and Ruby offered to help, but Gibbs wouldn't let her.

Gibbs: Go up!
Ruby: I'm gonna help...
Gibbs: For you to burn the roots? No way! Trust in our strength.
Marty: While we climb try to forget what you just saw.

Ruby tried to trust and leave her mind blank since everything she thought at that moment, she felt that it brought her bad vibes.


Thank you for reading this new chapter.


If you want to know something with more detail you can ask me here in the comments or you can sent me a message on Instagram. @dreaminghappy2015.

As always, don't forget to tell me if you see any mistake in the orthography for me to fix it.

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Read you soon, Dreaming ♡
Keep a weather eye on the horizon.

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