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Eleven | Both facing abnormal situations.

Switching his alarm clock off after it rings. Eating his breakfast and doing his repetitive morning routine. Walking to school when it was time to go. Just about everything was the same for Yuma's morning except for the fact that he hasn't seen Luna when he was walking to school. It wasn't that they had planned a time to go to school together, but it just so happens that they bump into each other in the morning.

"Ne Replica, did you see Luna on the way to school?" Yuma asks as he takes a seat at his desk, although he already knew what the answer would since Replica is always by Yuma's side.

"No, I haven't seen her since the Rank Wars."

So that makes it two days...

Yuma has been busy studying for the Mid-Year exams and doing his Defense duties, meaning that he didn't have the time to go to Tamakoma-shibu. It was odd since they usually see each other every day even when it was the weekends.

He scanned the classroom and stared at the clock, confirming the time and waited for a couple more minutes. There was still no Luna, and the absence striked Yuma as something odd.

Luna doesn't seem to be the kind of person to be off routine, meaning she should have arrived at school already.

The sound of sliding door alerted Yuma, and behind the door revealed Osamu.

"Ohayo Osamu, have you seen Luna?"

As a reply, Osamu shook his head and looked rather worried. His concern was voiced out which worried Yuma next, "Apparently she hasn't been back at the branch since the last Rank War. Usami-san is quite worried about her and Jin-san hasn't been home as well."

Yuma questioned, hoping for the possibility to be true, "Any chance that she's with Jin-san?"

Dread filled Yuma as Osamu shook his head once again and replied with, "There is, but I honestly don't think she is."


School had just ended and there was still no sign of Luna. Throughout the day, Osamu and Yuma were receiving questions about Luna's whereabouts, to which the both of them just answered that she was sick.

However for whatever reason, Yuma heard a snicker from one of the classmate. Funnily enough, the one who snickered was the classmate whose head was grabbed by Yuma when he tried to launch himself at Luna.

Going through various possibilities, Yuma came to the conclusion that the Annoying Idiot was suspicious. However, accusing him of something he didn't do would be wrong.

"Do you happen to know where Luna is?" Yuma asked.

Using his Side Effect, Yuma stared at the Annoying Idiot as he replied to Yuma, "No. You're the one who's supposed to know where she is, you're her friend."

Ignoring the latter half of his answer, Yuma wanted to grab him by the collar and punch him in the face. Yuma detected it as a lie, meaning that he definitely knew where Luna was, which was quite suspicious on its own. With that out of the way, there were only a few possibilities as to why he knows where Luna is.

Osamu and Yuma walked out of school together after school had finished. After checking that no one was close enough to overhear their conversation, "Osamu, I think I know where Luna is- No actually, I don't know where she is, but I know someone who does."

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