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Fifteen | Galopula.

"C'mon, fight me like you did last time when Jin was around." Kei complained to Luna who was just standing there staring at Kei, not giving him a reply as usual.

Luna, who was just wandering about Border HQ with no specific destination in mind ran into the last person she had wanted to run into, Tachikawa Kei. Of course, Luna tried to escape from his line of sight. However, she swiftly failed as Kei just turned to her direction.

He immediately dragged her off to the sparring room and began sparring. This only added onto Luna's losing streak as Kei was determined to be the winner for every single round. Luna refused to increase the amount of power she was able to use.

This goes without saying, and Luna knew that her opponent was getting more frustrated and bored with each round fought. All she wanted right now was for him to leave her alone so that she could continue wandering around the building that she was extremely used to.

Not being very invested in the spar, Luna heard someone entering the larger room that encased the sparring room. She didn't have to turn around to see who it was, the moment she heard the voice, she knew who it belonged to, "There you are Luna- Oh? Tachikawa-san is here too."

Yuma let out a chuckle as he looked at the scoreboard and would've like to continue watching, but he needed Luna elsewhere right now.

"Luna! We gotta head back, Osamu wants to start the briefing!"

Just as Yuma finished his sentence, Luna was damaged with a non-lethal blow from Kei. Giving a nod so that Yuma could get a visual acknowledgement, Luna spoke, "Tachikawa-san, Yuma is calling for me. I need to go now."

"Then finish the match!" Kei replied as he ran towards her with Kogetsu in his hand.

"That is what I intend to do."

Deeming that it would be better for her to hurry up since she didn't want Yuma to wait for her, she finished the match in a jiffy and left the room with Yuma.

"Well, that was interesting."


"Good luck." Luna offered before the other members of Mikumo-tai was teleported into the map, indicating the start of Rank Wars.

Shiori, who remained in the room as the Operator, asked, "Luna-chan, are you going to stay and watch?"

Luna shook her head and gave a slight bow as an apology, "I am needed somewhere else. Besides, I'm sure Osamu-san, Chika-chan and Yuma will be fine without me."

After excusing herself, Luna walked out of the room where Jin has been waiting for her for a good while. They then proceeded to the room where all the A-Rank agents who would be backup for the invasion were gathered.

By then, she had already activated her Trigger, which meant that she was soon turning into Crescent. For now, all she had to do was stay quiet like she usually does.

When Jin saw the prediction of Galopula arriving, an order was given to everyone in the room to assume their positions in the headquarters, leaving Jin and Luna inside the soundproof room. Luna stood in front of Jin who seemed more reluctant than he normally was when turning her into Crescent, something that Luna didn't understand.

"Jin-san. You should summon Crescent out now, or we won't have time to prepare for their attacks."

Giving in with a sad smile on his face, Jin ordered, "Crescent."

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