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Zero | Author's Note

Hello everyone! To old readers, if you're wondering why everything is gone, I'm currently rewriting the book! I'm hoping to take out the filler chapters and make every chapter a bit more worth your time when you're reading it.

To new readers, I'll do my best to make it worth your time!

Now, as per usual, let me make some things very clear.

1. Please note that I do not own anything except the plot and the original character.

2. This book is written in advance, so please remember that.

3. My opinion of things may not be the same as yours, please respect that.

4. I will not be stating the person's POV, I will leave it to you to figure it out. I will make it obvious enough so that there will not be any complications.

5. Please do not copy from my book.

6. The cover photo is not mine, but the edits made to it is.

This should be all~ Oh! And remember to enjoy reading this book! 



 the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists

a person's sense of resolve or determination


Her eyes were dull.


 Perhaps she was lacking something.

What was it?

She didn't know either.


Written on: 4 March 2019

Rewritten on: 14 June 2020

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