Chapter 12 - Sus

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Dave and Grian were sleeping beside Dream. Dave's head was buried in his arms. Dream had learned Dave is tired a lot. He also learned to not wake Dave up when he's sleeping the hard way. (Yeah, the hard way. That day was pretty sad for Dream) Grian's head was layer on the table. They both had a long day planting potatoes, so Dream decided not to wake them.

Dream looked at his friends. They looked peaceful when he was sleeping. Then he noticed something. The roots of Dave's hair wasn't black, it was pink. Dream froze. Pink? Why would he dye his hair? Dream shrugged it off. He probably just wanted black hair. Something doesn't feel right to him, though. Something doesn't add up.

He started to do a very dangerous thing: Thinking.

Why didn't Dave come visit my kingdom without his brothers? They could have all came together at the same time, so why did he come after his brothers arrived? Why does he have pink hair as his natural hair? It's a pretty rare hair color. He was adopted, so he must have been a peasant before, but peasants don't have pink hair. They mostly have brown, blond, or black hair.... or do they? Unless he's a hybrid. I mean... it's possible.

Dream shook his head. Whatever, it's probably not important. Suddenly he remembered a wanted poster of prince Technoblade.

Technoblade has long pink hair.

Technoblade is also a skilled warrior.

Just like Dave.

(Line Break)

"Dream are you ok? You've been zoning out." Grian asked, worried.

Dream snapped back into reality, "Oh, yeah, don't worry, I'm fine." Ever since Grian and Dave's afternoon nap Dream hasn't been himself. Grian was sure something happened while they were sleeping.

Grian patted his back, "Hey, if something is bothering you, just tell us. We're your friends! We'll help you!"

"Thanks Grian..." Dream mumbled, staring at the wall. He seemed off.

Dave was also worried, "Dream, what happened?" He questioned. "Don't lie, you're acting really strange. Something definitely happened."

Dream rose up from his chair, "I-I'm gonna go."

Grian and Dave exchanged worried looks. What happened?

(Line Break)

Because of how Dream has been acting, Techno and Grian decided to take him to the knights. He can watch them dual and meet his knight friends. Maybe he would stop acting so strangely, then. Techno thought as he made his way towards the knight's training yard with Dream and Grian behind him.

"Dream!" Sapnap rushed over to them. "Hey Dave! Hi Grian!"

Dream waved at him, "Hi Sapnap."

"Hey!" Grian grinned at Sapnap.

Techno gave him a nod, "Hi."

"What brings you here?" George asked.

Grian explained, "Well, Dream is feeling down so we brought him here. He can watch some duals and meet you guys."

Sapnap had a concerned look on his face, "What happened, dude?"

"Hey, don't worry, we're here for you. We'll help." George said.

"Well then, what are we waiting for?" Sapnap grinned, "See you in the training area, George! I'll make sure to beat your ass when Dream is watching."

George rolled his eyes, "Yeah right, as if I would be beaten by an amateur like you."

Dream smiled at his friends' bickering. Techno couldn't help but stare. His eyes were a beautiful emerald green that shimmered in the sunlight. When the sun hits his hair just right, his brown hair looked golden. His freckles that were dotted over his face and nose complimented his hair and eyes perfectly.

Not Meant To Be\\Greamno Royalty AU//PlatonicWhere stories live. Discover now