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"Annabelle, are you okay?" he asked again.

Her breath shuddered out in a ragged sigh. She must have been holding it, and she murmured, "I think so..."

But he heard the doubt in her voice and eased up so she could roll over and face him. "Were you hit?" he asked. He ran his hands down her sides, checking for wounds. Just for wounds...

But he found soft curves and lean muscles instead. Hear tingled in his hands and other parts of his body. A few minutes ago he'd thought she was going to kiss him. Their mouths had been only a breath apart, but maybe that was because he'd leaned down—because he'd wanted to kiss her so badly his gut twisted.

The woman got to him as no one else ever had. And that made her dangerous—almost as dangerous as the shooter.

a/n Please let me know what you think and if I should continue with the story or not it would mean a lot me

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