chapter sixteen

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I don't know when I dozed but I woke to being lifted out of the playpen. David was bouncing me as he spoke,

"Come on Sleepy Head. I know you're tired, lets just get you a bottle first then I'll lay you down for a nap."

I cringed at hearing the word bottle and cursed myself for dozing off.  I really didn't want him to put that bottle anywhere near my mouth. I just have a gut feeling that these people have been putting some kind of drug in the bottles they keep force-feeding me because David shared his food with me this morning and he's not laid out on the floor like a ragdoll right now. I wanted to fight him on this but I feel like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. If I do accept the bottle my controls will hinder my escape, if I don't take the bottle this crazed lunatic was definitely going to put into action the warning he promised this morning and I really don't want to feel so helpless, humiliated, and in pain ever again. At the moment I had three plans for escaping this place, but none of them will work if I can't move properly. I needed to find a way to avoid drinking that crap.  

In the end, I had decided that for now, I needed to go along with this guy until I could think of leeway to put into action a plan. I didn't complain and let the man pick me up without a fight. I still felt tired and my eyes felt heavy. I didn't know I was laying on the man's shoulder dozing until I felt myself being bounced. I jolted awake and sat up as best I could, I looked around and noticed we were halfway down the stairs. I grabbed tightly onto the man's shirt and felt a little upset that he would bounce me around like that while we were going down the stairs, I was already afraid he'd drop me and he knew this. I soon let go of that thought as David approached the kitchen. He opened the fridge and pulled out an already made bottle. I watched as he put it into the microwave and heated it. I really wish he wouldn't microwave it, it just enhances the already terrible taste. He continued to bounce me as we waited. The thought crossed my mind that maybe I could pretend to sleep so that I didn't have to drink the bottle, but I soon dismissed that thought. I'm sure the man would keep trying to wake me up, and If I had continued faking sleep, he'd probably think something was wrong with me and take me back to his brother so that they could torcher me again. Fear accumulate in me and I felt myself tear up a bit. I hurriedly tried to push the thoughts away, I'm done crying! I was a little startled out of my sudden thoughts at hearing Davids voice,

"What's wrong baby? Are you upset because you're sleepy? Daddy's sorry, let's just drink this yummy bottle first then you can take a nap."

I stared at him for a few seconds before finally sighing and looking away. I was in sudden disbelief about my current situation for a second. The ding went off as the microwave had finally finished heating the bottle. David opened the microwave and took the bottle out. He then walked into the living room and sat on the couch with me cradled in his arms. I waited in despair as I watched him shake a few drops of whatever was in that bottle onto his arm. As the bottle slowly came towards me I found myself shutting my eyes and squeezing my mouth shut. I could feel the nipple tapping and wiggle at the entrance of my mouth, but although I had agreed to go along with these people for a bit till I had a solidified plan, I still couldn't bring my body to cooperate. Well, that was until I heard my name firmly leave David's mouth. I felt a chill pass through me and memories of yesterday passed through my head. I opened my eyes and was met with David's firm stare. I forced my mouth to relax. I let him push the nipple past my lips and I just let it sit there till a sudden gush of milk shot into my mouth. I quickly swallowed it before It got a chance to choke me.

I first started to suck on the nipple slowly and reluctantly but soon I quickly sped up because the taste was horrible and I just wanted to get this experience over with. The man smiled down at me and although I wanted to give him the dirtiest look I could fathom I showed no reaction, I refrained from reacting as to not give him any attention. He probably would have just thought of it as 'cute' anyway, I hate that creepy look. I was about to finish the bottle when I felt myself growing more and more sleepy. I hated to admit it but the heat radiating off David was very warm, it was adding to my already tired state. I could feel myself slowly drift until the next thing I know I'm next to David's desk in his office, tightly bundled in a blanket and on some kind of smaller bed raised off the ground.

The sides looked to have some kind of thin fabric that you could see through and by the feel of it it's a bit elastic. I couldn't see much from where I was laying but I did notice David typing away on his computer. I tried to be as quiet as possible as not to be noticed, but of course, he glanced over at me and immediately saw that I had woken up from the nap. He smiled and came towards me wrapping his arms around my waist as he hoisted me up into his arms. One hand under my butt and the other on my back, he held me to his chest. I tried not to resist, his computer was right in front of me. Well, my mind knew that but my body didn't and I couldn't help but to squirm, then cringe a bit. The man either didn't notice or just didn't care, he just started carrying me out of the office and down the stairs once again.

Once he made it down the stairs without me tumbling down them he walked into the living room. A soon as he sat on the couch his phone rang and my eyes lit up, his phone! This was a great opportunity to get a hold of his phone. As I waited on that opportunity I listened in on his call as he held me in his arms while rubbing and patting my back. I listened in and quickly found out that he was talking to his wife.

"Yeah, honey. He already had his nap, he just woke up. Yeah...Okay... I know... Um-hmm... Yeah, I was just going to set him down to play for a while I prep lunch...yeah, Love you too..I'll let him know and give him a kiss for you...okay see you later."

He hangs up his phone and looked at me. I stared back confused. He smiled before planting a kiss on my forehead that I was wasn't in the position to wipe off. He then gave me a tight hug as he talked.

"Mommy says she'll be here in a bit and wants you to know she loves you."

He wiggled me around in his arms before pulling me up and out of them. He looked at the diaper I had on, feeling and pulling on it a bit. He was checking to see if I had used it, which I definitely didn't! I felt embarrassed and felt my face go red. A gentle smile on his face he looked at me as he talked again,

"Now how about you play for a bit before we eat lunch, hmm?"

Of course, It was a question not meant for an answer. So I watched carefully as he put his phone on the table in front of the couch. My heart raced a bit at that. He stood once more, placing me on his hip he walked towards a blue rolled-up matt beside the couch and slid it into the middle of the living room spreading it out. Lifting me off his chest he laid me on my stomach onto the matt. He then walked to the closet by the stairs. Opening it he pulled out a box, he opened it and pulled out a few toys and teddy bears after careful consideration he walked back towards me. I stopped watching him pick toys after a while because my head felt heavy and my neck too tired, I could hear him as his footsteps got closer. I watched as he sat toys around me. I looked around at them and there was an octopus and lion plushie,  little rattles all with funny shapes and faces, and a little colorful piano. After setting them down around me I expected the man to hurry and leave so he could prepare lunch, but he didn't. Instead, he sat cross-legged in front of me on the floor beside the matt and watched me.  

I assume it was because he wanted to make sure I played with the toys. I needed him to be in the kitchen so I could get to his phone and call for help, but the guy wasn't moving. So I decided to make him think I was playing with the toys and liked them. I decided to go to the toy that seemed the least worst or childish. I prepared myself as I breathed out, I then pulled my arms beside me as I pushed up against the floor. I pulled my knees in and after a bit of a struggle managed to get into a crawling position. Trying my best to balance I crawled in the direction of the plushie octopus. When I was in front of it I grabbed it and as soon as I grabbed it my legs gave out and I plopped back onto the floor. I was embarrassed and couldn't control the heat that spread to my neck and cheaks. Right in front of David's gaze I picked the plushie up and began fiddling with its legs as I struggled to make my smile believable. I prided myself on being a great liar, and to my relief the man bought it. With a huge smile on his face, he rubbed my head a bit before giving me another kiss and standing up. 

"Now be good for Daddy and stay right there. Also, don't get too scared, Daddy is right in the kitchen. I'll be back, okay?"

David started to back away slowly as he looked at me as if as soon as he was out of my sight I'd break into tears and call him back in here immediately. Guy was greatly mistaken, as if. I kept on acting like I enjoyed playing with the toy paying David no attention. As soon as he made it into the kitchen I stopped my little act and my face relaxed, my eyes quickly traveled to where he left his phone. It was right in front of me, and even if he has a password I can still call the emergency number. This was perfect! Now was the time to put this plan into action!!

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