chapter twenty-eight

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Next, the turtle tried to board the train but she was too slow, a train wouldn't wait for such a slow person' there's a schedule to keep and logically, the train had to go on. The turtle kept trying to run over to the train and I started feeling a bit bad. I know this was fake but I had decided to play along with Autumn. I stopped the train so that the turtle could catch up. Trains get delayed all the time. When the train didn't move the penguin looked at me and asked me a question, "Why isn't the train moving? I've got places to be!" His voice was high and he spoke quickly as he shook his fist. He seemed angry. I felt a little annoyed at his snappiness and answered his question, "There's a delay." I said as I pointed towards the turtle still trying her best to catch up with the train. She was almost caught up but the penguin continued his rudeness, "So what?! I'm more important, forget that slow turtle." The turtle spoke highly of himself but I just saw a selfish prick. I'd had enough. In my most professional train conductor voice I spoke, "Sir, please leave. It's my train and you're being rude." I thought he'd resist more but instead he shook his fist at me before hopping of and rudely called my driving stupid. I didn't mind, the turtle was there and after thanking me, got on the train. I drove her to her destination. She thanked me once again and paid me a large sum of invincible turtle bucks. I waved goodbye and got off work. I'd never had a job before but customer service wasn't easy.

I felt my face go steaming hot as Autumn clapped her hands and I realized what I'd just done. I know that I agreed to play with the deranged woman because of the cookies but I felt embarrassed of how deeply invested I got. She gave me a hug and complimented me, "You are such a good train conductor Emmett!" I felt tingly from the sudden hug and compliment and now just wanted to hide. I've decided that I've done enough of what she wanted, "Can I watch TV now." I didn't have it in me to look at her, too embarrassed, as I asked the question. She sported a huge smile as she answered, "Sure honey, let me turn on something fun for my baby!" She finally got up. Grabbing the remote off the coffee table she tuned the TV on and switched between channels before finally turning on that really good show I liked about the three bears. I had to admitted, compared to yesterday today wasn't going so bad.

I thought today wasn't too bad so far but after a few minutes of watching the cartoon, just like a jinx, I felt the urgent need to pee. There was no way I was going to just let it out and I definitely didn't want Autumn to change me again, at least David was a guy like me, though I despise when he changes me also. I also knew that I couldn't get to a bathroom. Even if I tried Autumn was right behind me on the couch, she'd notice me right away and would try to stop me. I felt stuck and the only thing I could think to do was hold my bladder. I held it until I couldn't, and a silent tear fell as I let go. I felt ridiculous, I'm fifteen for fucks sake. I stayed silent and pretended to still watch the show on TV as my mind was clouded with anxiety. It was like she instinctually knew what'd I done because out of know where she had pulled the diapers waist band, checking if I used it. Of course I froze shocked at the sudden invasion. She didn't notice or care as she double checked the diaper by looking at the outside and feeling it. Of course it weighed of pee and I kinda tuned out. I didn't know what to do in this situation. I knew that Autumn would try to change me but I very much didn't want that. Even if I decide to resist this diaper was getting unbearably itchy and what if she says I can't have the cookies. I don't know, it sounded childish and ridiculous in my head but I felt fearful at the fact that my resistance could be the start of another shit day like yesterday.

I couldn't help but weakly try to shove her hands away but she easily munuvered around me as she gently scooted the little cat towards her. She then left upstairs for a bit. She came back quicker then I would've liked and carried with her a dark blue mat covered in little white polka dots with a bag that hung on her shoulder covered in pictures of cartoony little bears. I watched on in nervousness as she laid the matt just outside the play pen. She slipped the bag off her shoulder and I watched her in confusion as she walked towards me. I mean I'm not an actual baby, I sure I'm even taller than her. Was she really gonna try to pick me up? To my surprised she did. She seemed to struggle as she picked me up just enough to get me out of the little pillow cat chair and onto the mat. I kinda felt a bit bad and embarrassed, I know I don't weigh too much but she seemed to be trying to catch her breath a bit after lifting me. I remembered her goal and my tiny feeling of guilt soon stopped. She wouldn't have had to lift me if she'd just let me use a damn toilet in the first place! I sighed and rolled my eyes as she began placing the supplies she needed to change me.

I wanted to run away but only managed to wiggle around. She easily held me still and untapped the diaper. The thought of kicking her did pass my mind but the cookies and on top of that another spanking quickly ended those thoughts. I just sat there uncomfortably wiggling and shaking. This was stupid, I could use the bathroom on my own if they'd let me. Autumn quickly slid the pajama pants off then the wet diaper, and struggled a bit as she lifted me by the legs to thoroughly wipe me down with a wet wipe and slide another childish looking diaper on me. She put plenty of baby powder before finally taping the straps of the diaper. I wanted to hide in a hole. She talked babyishly to me as she put the diaper supplies back up, "You did such a good job for Mommy didn't you?!" She didn't expect a reply as she kissed my forehead and spoke again, "My good big boy!" I didn't know what to do, I just felt awkward and was a hundred percent sure the color of a tomato.

Autumn finished throwing the diaper away and packing the diaper stuff when a noticably burnt smell wafted through the house. My stomach dropped as the house's fire alarm went off and Autumn rushed to the kitchen cursing under her breath. The cookies were definitely burnt, I couldn't have just one okay day could I? I felt like just breaking down and crying. I needed those cookies, I just got changed out of a stupid wet diaper, and the crave for nicotine was suddenly as overwhelming as ever. I watched as Autumn ran around the house opening windows before finally turning the fire alarm off. She ran to me worry obvious. She knelt down, pulling me into a sitting position she wiped my face and gave me a big hug as she rocked me back and forth and gently spoke, "Mommy is so so sorry baby, did the weird smell and loud noise scare you?" I stayed quiet and she released the hug and grabbed my face as she looked me in the eye," Tell Mama what's wrong so I can fix it." I honestly didn't even realize I had been crying and I definitely didn't know what had gotten into me to tell her my honest reason for being upset, but with a whine, pointing towards the kitchen, I did, "c-cookies" I mumbled and her worried expression turned to guilt.

And as if the situation couldn't get any more embarrassingly awkward, the rest of her weird family walked in.

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