chapter seventeen

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As soon as David went into the Kitchen I began scanning my surroundings. I couldn't help but be happy at the fact that David didn't put me in a playpen like the one he had put me in earlier upstairs, if he had I'd probably have counted this plan as a failure before it even began, just the act of lifting my head already tired me out. Right now I was going to put all my energy into getting to that phone as quietly and as swiftly as possible. 

I looked back in the direction of the Kitchen before I began straining my body to get up. I tossed the octopus plushie to the side and struggled for balance as I began crawling in the direction of the table that the phone resided on top of. I felt really rushed. I needed to hurry, I only have so much time before that man comes back, and if he does who knows when I'll ever get this close of a chance for even a window of escape. I got a slow start and even fell a few times but eventually, I made it. I took another quick glance in the direction of the kitchen then quickly lifted my hand towards the phone. I fumbled with picking up the phone. It slid around on the table a bit before I could finally get a good grip on it. I can't even explain the overwhelming joy I felt when the phone was finally in my hand. I felt like I was finally going to get out of the psychotic hellhole and never look back. This was all going to be some weird fucked up dream that I'd slowly forget about. I'll just go back to my normal life as if none of this ever happened. I'll be free. 

I managed to slide the phone onto the floor and as soon as my hand left the table I lost balance and I also fell onto the floor. My adrenaline was pumping now that I was so close to freedom and so as quickly as I fell I was struggling to get back up. I managed to sit down as I leaned on the living room couch for support. I needed to be quick and quiet. I glanced quickly in the direction of the kitchen before focusing on the phone. It took me longer than I should have to grab the phone and hold it in my hand. The last step was going to be even more frustrating. I steadied my finger, blocking out the feeling of the rush I felt because I needed to hurry before David got back. I needed to concentrate. I saw it, the emergency call button that lay just at the bottom of the screen. Then  I finally did it, I pressed it. I carefully dialed nine-one-one and held the phone to my ear. My adrenaline was going crazy and I felt like my heart would explode. I couldn't even feel the tiredness and heaviness that came with just moving my head or any part of my body, but now I just felt a rush and as soon as I heard the operators voice through the other end of the phone ask how she could help me I felt like I could just get up and run circles around the whole house. Thoughts and answers were running through my head a mile a minute and I couldn't quite get what I wanted to say across. In the end, I just decided to say the first thing that came to mind, I've gotta get out of here. 

As soon as I opened my mouth to speak the doors that lead to freedom closed. I quickly fell into despair and fear. David had quickly taken the phone from my hand and spoke into it.

"Sorry, my son was playing with my phone and accidentally dialed."

After that, he spoke a bit longer into the phone but I seemed to have drowned all of it out with the fear and anxiety that filled me at what the man would do to me for attempting an escape, but most of all I was filled with despair. Dispair at the fact that freedom from this hellhole was just in the palm of my hand, and if I had been a little bit faster or smarter when retrieving the phone I could have escaped, but now my best chance was gone. Everyone was going to be more careful with leaving their phones around me, I was never going to get such an easy chance like this again and the thought of that made me want to crawl into a ball and cry. I was now left with options of even more complex plans of escape and that would just mean that I would have to stay here longer pretending to be these crazies little baby boy until I could execute another plan of escape. I'll probably have to gain a bit more trust so that they could give me some space to prepare an escape.

I just sat there and waited for the hell that was to come. When I finally came to my senses and got out of my head I looked up and didn't see David anymore, but when I listened closely I could hear him whispering in the kitchen. I didn't know if he was still talking to the nine-nine-one operator or if he was talking to someone else. I just sat there and waited stuck in a bunch of thoughts swirling in my head. I should have screamed for help right after David took the phone, he told her I was just a little kid who was messing with his phone but I sure as hell don't sound like a little kid. If I wasn't so overcome with fear of what David would do I wouldn't have laid there spaced out like a dumbass and would,ve screamed for help. I'm sure they would have been on their way right at this moment. I cursed myself. I really hate all this thinking, it's been a while since I've really had to think of anything. Usually, I'm either too drunk or high to think of anything but I haven't been this sober since I was eleven, I could really at least use a smoke right now.

I finally get out of my thoughts at the feeling of David lifting me. I could hear him sigh as he did so.

"Emmitt you can't just play on Daddies phone, you almost did something really bad that could've resulted in you being taken from us. But don't worry It's not your fault, you're new here and you don't know better. If you ever want to play with Daddy's phone again you need to ask permission before doing so, okay?"

He talked in a calm and careful tone as if he were lecturing me and lifted me away from himself and looked at me in the eye at the last sentence, but of course, he didn't expect nor want a reply. Though if he did I would've agreed right away. This guy really is crazy, he really thought of me as a fucking baby! This was perfect, now I could just ask for the phone and get out of here without having to struggle in creating a plan or without so much sneaking around, dudes digging his own grave. The man put me down back into my original spot onto the floor in the middle of all the toys spread around. This time he laid me onto my back instead of my stomach. I stared up at him confused and watched as he took his phone out of his pockets and fiddled around with it a bit before he bent down and placed it into my hands. I was both shocked and amazed. I hadn't even asked yet.

I struggled again to get a proper grip and David watched me a bit until the smell of something burning brought him back to the kitchen. This was now my chance! This time I wasn't going to freeze up. I'm going to tell them I've been kidnapped, don't know where I am, and that they need to track the phone. I need to be very quick and clear when they pick up. I didn't fumble with the phone for long before quickly concentrating and turning the phone on but I was confused at what I saw. The emergency option was gone, is this even legal! What actual the fuck! The dude has a whole child lock on the thing, as soon as I turned on the phone the first thing I see is a bunch of colorful letters, numbers, and buttons that when pushed played little songs, and when I tried to get out of the child lock I kept telling me to type in a password, even when holding the power button the password screen popped up. I was in serious disbelief, who the fuck made this. This was driving me crazy and no matter how much I typed in numbers I still couldn't crack the password, I even tried my birthday, nothing worked. After like the fiftieth time I threw the phone down in frustration. This Fucking Sucks!!

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