"but what if he changed..?" jarad said.

"that aint even sound right coming out yo mouth jarad shut the hell up."

"nigga i tryna help yo depressed ass, sitting round here smelling like ass just cus a nigga broke yo heart, pick yo tits up and go met that dorito built nigga."

"first of all aint nobody depressed that's your job, and im not meeting him so yall can shut up about it." i said getting up.

"ima call symere since ya wanna be childish."

"nigga aint nobody being childish-"

i was cut off by symere appearing in the livingroom. "what the hell.."

"whats so important that yall had to summon me from my dick appointment." he said crossing his arms. "dont nobody need to know what you and Jordan do in yall free time." i said making a stank face.

"and how the hell did you just appear in my livingroom?"

"i got powers." he said simply. "uh okay-"

"Jahseh wants to meet up with him and hes acting childish." jarad said. i sighed and sat back down. symere looked at me and then at micheal and jarad.

"so yall really made me miss some dick because Stokeley dont wanna meet with jah."

"that sounds about right."

"i think you should go.. i mean what's the worst that can happen." he said sincerely. i made a confused face. "what do yall not understand.. im not going."

"yes you are, come on." symere said yanking me up and dragging me out the door.

15 minutes later..

"bruh im not going in there, last time we spied on him i figured out he was cheating on me."

"huh?" they all said in illusion. "i- uh.. nevermind, still ion wanna go in there." i said sitting back. symere got out the car and yanked me once again, dragging into the cafe. i immediately seen Jahseh and my stomach started doing cartwheels.

"yall i cant do this.." i said quietly as we walked closer and closer to his table. "you can and you are." micheal said. i sighed and stood infront of the table.

he looked up with confusion. "i think i asked for Stokeley not Stokeley and his minions." Jahseh said with a head tilt.

"nigga dont get to cocky now, cus ill walk right back up out this bitch."

he put his hands up in defeat and sighed. i sat down and symere glared at Jahseh. "nigga dont try nun, he only here to talk." symere said crossing his arms. he nodded and they walked away.

now it was just me and him, i crossed my arms and looked at him. i could tell by his body language that he was nervous. i sighed. "what do you want?" i said finally.

"honestly, i came here to apologize. i know i fucked badly i know its probably to late, but i want to try to make it up to you."

i made a stank face. "nigga you think just cus you said sorry that ima forgive you? nah its gonna take more than that." i said finally. he sighed.

"look i know that was wrong of me, i should've told you, but i was too caught up in the both of yall and i didnt think that yall would find out about each."

i started tapping my foot lightly, he was really starting to piss me off, every word thats coming out of his mouth was most likely a lie and he just keeps going on and on.

"why the fuck would you even attempt to fuck with me if you knew you had a girl? thats whats really bugging me."

he sighed. "you make me feel different, you allow me to be myself and dont judge me, you love me for me and for my money, thats what i love about you Stokeley.. i-.. i dont know.." he trailed off looking out the window.

"but you led me on-"

"no i didn't-"

"yes you did, you allowed me to catch feelings for you, you knew i wasnt even gay in the first but yet you work your charm on me and now i gotta deal with the consequences."

"what consequences?"

"you broke my heart Jahseh!! what the fuck do you understand?" i semi-yelled. damn is nigga slow or something.

jarad and micheal came back over to the table and yanked me up. "what the fuck-.."

"Symere said thats enough talking he tryna get some dick." i let out a chuckled and they let me go. Jahseh looked up at us with confusion. "so are you gonna give me another chance?"

"did you break up with ol girl? cus yeen finna be playin with stokey heart like he a omar or sum." micheal said crossing his arms.

"why do yall keep comparing omar to a dog?"

"its a long story.."

"yes i broke up with her the same day." Jahseh said finally. i shrugged, i really dont know if i should, i mean he could have another trick up his sleeves. i dont trust him anymore. "ill think about." i said finally.

he nodded. "bring yall asses!" symere yelled from the door causing everyone to look at him. "fuck yall looking at, drink ya coffee and mind ya business."

everyone look anyway quickly and we started walking towards the door. we made it ouside and walked to the car, got in and everyone looked in my direction. "so what are you gonna do?" jarad said.

"i really dont know.."

"do you really like him?" micheal said.

"i mean yeah, hes honestly the first person ive actually had feelings for.."

"i think you should give it a minute and then talk to him because if you do it now, its gonna make him feel like you easy." symere said sincerely.

i nodded and looked out the window, micheal started the car and started to drive back to my house. but i could only think of Jahseh, what if i take him back and he end up doing the same shit.

what if he breaks up with me and finds someone better? am i not good enough? am i too fat? too ugly? sike fuck that ian never been ugly. we finally made to my apartment and now i was fixing a bowl of cereal.

i sat down and began watching something on tv, not really caring what it was, micheal and jarad went to his apartment and symere went home to get some dick.. now it was just me.. and my thoughts.

him // slumptacion Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz