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"Excellent job Miss Granger! 20 points for Gryffindor!"

Hermoine smiled and sat down. Harry and Ron both clapped for her.

"Nice one Mione"

"Thank you Ronald"

"So guys I heard that there will be a party in the Ravenclaw common room today. We should definitely go"

"Sorry boys but I'm going to study. It's almost winter break and I'd like to get my work done before then"

"Please? Come on Mione just one night"

Hermione chuckled

"Alright fine. But I'm not staying for very long"

Harry and Ron both smiled. The three of them made their way to class. Once the evening approached, the trio got ready and made their way down to the party. Harry made his way to Cho and Ron spoke with Luna. Hermione wasn't one for parties, so she stayed on the side of the room and sipped on her drink. Someone came and stood next to her.

"Looks like little miss perfect can actually tolerate a party after all"

She turned her head. She already knew who it was.

"Shut up Malfoy"

"Not very nice are you?"

"I'm actually very nice. Just not to you"

"Well love I heard you're staying here over the winter break. None of the other fifth years are"

"Don't call me love. And yes I know"

"Well except one person of course"

He winked and walked off

"Malfoy! Get back here! Who else is staying?"

"You'll figure it out. You're smart enough"

She stood there for a moment before it hit her.

"Oh my god no I cannot spend two weeks with that piece of shit"

She huffed and Harry walked up to her

"Why so down Mione?"

She clenched her teeth.

"I'm going now"

She stormed out of the party. Harry and Ron ran out after her while Draco laughed on the other side of the room.

~ a long explanation later ~

"Mione it's alright! You can come with Harry and I! I'm sure Mum will be alright with it"

"Ron, you are literally having Mrs and Mr Weasley, Bill, Charlie, Fleur, Fred, George, Ginny, and then you and Harry all together in one house. You both literally have to share a room. I can't possibly stay with you guys there simply isn't enough space"

"Ron she's right. Mione you're going to be alright ok? Just don't let Malfoy get to you. It's only two weeks."

"I'll figure it out. But I'm kind of done with that party. I'm going to stay here and study"

"Alright Mione we'll see you in the morning"


"I know you are all excited for break but please everyone quiet down!"

Everyone continued to talk.

"Oh forget it. Just do as you all want but please try and be a bit quiet"

Hermione pulled out her book and began to quietly read while everyone else began to talk to one another.


"Malfoy! What the hell!"

Harry walked up to the two.

"Get lost Malfoy"

"Actually I'm quite happy over here Potter"

"Stop bothering Hermione"

"Well now you can't tell me what to do can you"

"Harry just leave it I'll be fine"

Harry walked off.

"So Granger. Tomorrow we get to stay here alone together"

He smirked at her.

"Let's get one thing clear Malfoy. We are not here together. You are to stay away from me and I am going to stay away from you"

"Well Granger we'll just have to see how long you can actually spend without me"

"I'm sure I'll be fine"

"Sure you will."

Then the bell rang, meaning it was the end of the day.

"Later Granger"

Hermione rolled her eyes and gathered her things. She met with Harry and Ron in the hallway.

"Seems like Malfoy's bothering you more than usual"

"I know. It's so bloody annoying"

"Tomorrow we have to leave"

"I know. I think I'm ready to suffer the wrath of Malfoy for two weeks"

The three laughed and made their way back to the Gryffindor common room. As they parted ways and said their goodnights, Hermione's mind was brought back to Draco. She couldn't deny that the fact that he was extremely attractive. But it all went to waste with his horrible personality.


"I'll miss you guys so much!"

"We'll miss you too Mione"

She hugged the two boys goodbye.

"And remember. Don't let him get to you Mione you can do it"

"I won't Harry. Have fun guys!"

The two of them left. She stood there for a moment before she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"It's just you and me now"

Hermione rolled her eyes


First chapter hope everyone enjoyed!

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