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"I can't believe we have broom flying class, why must we even do that?"

"Calm down Ron for some reason Dumbledore's requested our year do it, so we don't have a choice"

Everyone began working on flying their brooms. Most people had no trouble getting off the ground. Hermione made it up into the air.

"Look I did it!"

"Be careful Hermione!"

"I'll be fine Harry!"

She flew around a bit, before she lost her balance and fell off her broom from 20 feet up in the air.


Draco ran from where he was stood and caught Hermione.

"You bloody idiot you could've gotten hurt!"

"Well I'm fine. So you can leave me alone Malfoy"

Malfoy gently let her stand herself up as he walked off.

"Mione are you alright?"

"I'm fine"

Hermione watched Draco join the Slytherins again, biting into his green apple.

"Malfoy. Thank you for saving Mione"

"Shut up Potter"

As the class ended, Hermione remembered what Narcissa had said to her the night before.

"Guys I'll be back in a moment"

"Where are you going?"

Hermione had already run off. She signalled to Draco to follow behind.

"What do you want Granger?"

"I talked to your mum yesterday"

"My Mum? Why?"

"I accidentally bumped into her."

"And you're telling this to me, why?"

"Because I've decided that I can't hate you. I can't do it anymore for some reason"

Draco's expression softened

"Well Granger I don't exactly loathe you either. But we still can't be friends. We have way too different lives"

Hermione nodded

"I won't actively bully you or anything of the sort, but you need to forget about me, and I have to forget about you."

Without thinking Hermione pulled Draco into a hug. He was taken aback at first, but he slowly wrapped his arms around her and rest his chin on her head while he stroked her hair gently.

"Goodbye love bug"

With that he walked off. Hermione returned to her friends.

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