Is This Love? Baby, Don't Hurt Me

Start from the beginning

"I will go if that's what Sam wants," I say as I look at my friend.

"You can go," she smiles a little, clearly trying to reassure me that it's okay.

"Fine, you do anything stupid," I point a finger at Tane, "And you'll regret it."
With that, I walk out of the Marae, Rongo following a few steps behind me.

"I can answer any questions you might have," he says after I've only taken a few steps.

"No, thank you," I try to sound as polite as I can. "I need a dose of real world, the non-fantastical kind, you know," I add with a grunt. With that, I leave him behind and walk away, fishing my phone out of my pocket and clicking onto the dating app.

There's a few messages from Miguel already waiting for me, and I smile a little as I text him back and apologize for disappearing. It's probably around 3 in the morning in Buenos Aires, as it's barely past 7 in the afternoon here, but I'm hoping he had to work today and is still awake.

My answer comes 30 seconds later, as a message blinks on the screen.
Miguel: Hey! I've kind of missed you, how are you?

Emma: I've been better.

Miguel: Hmm... Do you want to talk about it?

Emma: I wouldn't even know where to start.

I can't just tell him what's going on here, and to be honest, I need some normalcy. I don't want to hear about Gods and punishments and trials anymore. I need a break from such craziness, all this godly shit making me feel tiny and insignificant.

Miguel: I just got out of work, I can call you if you want? We can just... talk about the weather?

Emma: ...

Emma: Okay.

My phone rings, and my heart flutters as I pick up almost straight away.

"Miguel..." I play with a strand of my hair, twirling it around my index finger.

"Hola, Emma," his tone is sweet, and hearing that one single word in spanish, brings me back to Buenos Aires in a second.

A tiny part of me wishes I could just take it all away, take this whole trip away and go back to being clueless about the mysteries of the world.
Maybe I took my adrenaline addiction too far. After what happened with Lucas, then Tane, now this whole brotherhood of godly brothers... I thought adventures were the best part of life, but I've never wished for some normal crap as much as I do right now. Watching Sam almost die at the hands of a God must have taken a toll on me, as I don't even recognise myself.

Maybe I just need an hour to gather myself together, and then I'll be fine.

"Tell me everything about your day," I say into the phone. "I want to hear about your work and the horrible customers you had to deal with today."

"Do you really?" Miguel's voice asks from the other side of the line, and I can hear the noise of cars in the distance.

"I do, I want to hear it all."

As I lay down on a patch of grass looking up to the sky and the few stars starting to show up, I wonder if he's looking up too.


There's still things I don't fully understand, questions I should probably be asking. But standing here, my eyes locked with his, there's only one thing that worries me.

"What's wrong?" I ask him as I feel my brows tuck together.

"You seem... Like a new girl, Samantha Tutaki." His tone is so soft, and hearing my father's last name in his lips makes my heart jump a little.
A new girl? I guess I do feel like a new girl, like the truth has given me something I didn't know I was missing. Something shifted inside of me when I woke, it's as if... I feel whole again. And I can't remember the last time I felt so calm, even with everything going on, with the craziness of the news, I feel more myself than I ever have.

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