The Healing Process

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Aurum POV

It was the next morning when I stumbled downstairs to scavenge for breakfast. Most of the time, Percy or Zoë cooked, but there were days where we had to fend for ourselves. Today was not one of those days.

Percy was standing by the stove, flipping pancakes. Five plates worth were already made, so I grabbed one, mumbling something about caffeine. He turned over the last pancake, then slid in across from me with his own special blue pancakes. He still hadn't gotten over his blue food addiction.

He also poured a cup of coffee for me, leaving it black, just the way I liked it. This was one of my favorite parts of the day: sitting with Percy and enjoying the peace that he brought with him. When he first appeared, I was wary of him, but we eventually came to terms and forgave each other, and became best friends.

"How you holding up?" He asked. He had his mask off and was scarfing up his food. Raven black hair hung in his, obscuring his face.

"I don't know. I'm glad I have the opportunity to come back, but when all of this is over, are they going to treat me like an ally or enemy?"

"They should know that you are a hero. I made sure of that. And if they have a problem with it, we'll deal with it when the time comes," he assured me. He didn't know it, but he could raise anybody's spirit with just a few words. When he walked into a room, people calmed down. So, when he talked to me, I felt a little bit better.

"Thanks, Perce," I said, thanking him.

"Anytime Castellan. That's what I'm here for. Pep talks," he chuckled to himself. Finishing his last pancake, he picked up our plates and set them in the sink. He grabbed his cloak and mask and settled them into place.

"Wanna go to the beach?" he asked. It was killing him to be from water for periods. He was like a fish out of water. Every time we traveled to a planet, water was one of the first things he looked for. One time he got stuck in a lake, but it was actually glamoured quicksand. We had a bit of a scare. I nodded and grabbed my own disguise. Going would keep our minds on something other than our worries. He wrote a note and left it on the island.

Time Skip

When we got to the ocean, other people were already there. A girl with kaleidoscope eyes I knew to be Piper, the blond with icy blue eyes who was Jason, the buff guy who was Frank, and his girlfriend, Hazel. The last person was Leo. I only knew him because he had the looks of a Hermes kid, but he was a Hepahastus kid.

"Looks like we weren't the only ones with a good idea," he said, laughing as he turned to stare at the water. But he immediately stopped and took a step back. The water that used to be a nice calming blue color had turned into a muddy brown color. Percy's breath caught, surprised at the difference. His fists clenched at his sides.

"What happened to the sea?" He asked, gritting his teeth in anger. The water was his safe haven, and it had been ruined.

"After his son died, Poseidon holed up under the ocean. His death hit him pretty hard. He stopped showing up for meetings and hasn't taken care of the water in years." Piper sadly explained. "Anybody who goes into the water also gets sick. It's like he doesn't want anybody to have any fun."

Percy slowly loosened his hands as he stepped forwards towards the water's edge. He slipped off his boots and socks before creping to the sea.

"Do you want to do this? This could reveal yourself." I telepathically sent him.

"I am just going to talk him into fixed the ocean. Tell him to meet me later after talking to Chaos." He responded. As he placed his feet in, the water rippled outwards and changed. The brown color disappeared in favor of its original sea-green shade. I heard gasps while he messaged his father. He closed his eyes for a moment before a small smile appeared on his face. Stepping back, he scooped up his shoes and left, not speaking a word.

"How did he do that? We've tried everything to fix it." Jason questioned his face, a mask of mistrust.

"Storm loves the water. He has a way of healing any water source that has gotten sick. Some of us in the squad are also Elementalists. Storm, Hurricane, and Riptide are all water trained, while Flames powers are fire-based. I focus on air, while on the other hand, Sorcerosee is more in touch with the mind. And Shadow deals with the soul." I paused, unsure of how to continue.

"Since joined the squad, he's gone out his way to help heal the water on every planet that we've been to. It's his thing. He's very passionate about it," I said, hoping I hadn't said anything that would be revealing.

"Don't say anything to him. He doesn't like to show off, so pretend this never happened okay?" I walked after Percy, leaving them alone with the healed ocean.

Word Count: 894

Author's Note

I know it's a short chapter but I wanted another POV. The demigod are suspicious! Comment please.  Last chapter I realized that I hadn't told you guys what I was reading, so I am currently reading Lord of the Rings for the 3rd time. Good series. 

Question: Who Is your favorite character in LOTR?

Mine's Legolas.

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