Author's Note

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So, I just want to say a few things before I start the story. I am 15 and in high school. I fell in love with the Percy Jackson books a few years ago and have not stopped. I am so obsessed that my parents took away all my PJO things and told me I couldn't have anything related to Rick Riordan again. That was also when I would read fanfic in the middles of the night so I was banned from Wattpad. But now I am back. 

This is my first story. I won't be able to publish stuff very quickly as I am banned from Wattpad from parents. I also have no technology but my school laptop so this will very slow. However, I write my stories first on paper, so all I have to do is type it up when I have the free time. 

I hope you guys enjoy. I'll try to keep everything from the books. 

Also, PJO isn't mine. Everything belongs to Rick Riordan.


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