Unexpected Treasure

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        I slipped through the trees silently. My objective was a slave encampment just outside the Weeping Forest, aptly named for the spooky noises that resonated at night. Millions of people were being forced to serve Void, even if he wasn't even actually awake. He could talk to people in their dreams, just like Kronos. He was also Chaos's brother. I was one of the few forces helping free them and ushering them to safety. Most of them on Chaos, but some go to the outskirts. The outskirts are as far away as possible from anybody, and so they rarely get visitors.

        When I finally got to the tree line, I spotted the hundreds of tents encased within an energy fence. The first time I had come across one, let's say it wasn't pretty. Fortunately, I had learned from my mistake.

        I took a jammer from the inside of my cloak. Setting it next to the closet post of the barrier, I pressed the button to turn it on. I didn't really understand the workings of it, and Flames had tried to explain it to me. He said it basically canceled out the energy in the fence. Electronics were not my forte.

       Once I saw the barricade flash away, I snuck into the nearest tent, careful not to alert any guards. I woke up the occupants, a small family of three, reminding me of my own. Did Estelle, my little sister, know who I was? Did they miss me?

       They stared at me in terror in my cloaked-self. I slowly pulled off my hood. "Look, I am here to help. I'm from Chaos. I can get you to safety. We must wake the others quickly and quietly." I whispered. The mother startled as I spoke. Then, she nodded. She pushed her boys towards me.

     "Keep them safe." She ordered, her voice scratchy from dehydration and the fact that she was speaking the planets native language. She ran out of the shabby tent and quickly awoke the many other families throughout the camp. I ushered them in the forest, keeping their noise away from their masters. Saying it was hard to keep everyone together was an understatement. Fighting Gaea was much easier than this.

    When we finally reached the clearing where my ship sat, I searched for my team members with my mind. Immediately, Gold and Huntress jumped down from the roof. We split the people into two groups, one with Gold and the other with Huntress. They closed their eyes, and they vanished from view along with their assigned group. If things went according to plan, they would appear in Chaos's castle. They were going to be exhausted afterward, but it was worth it.

      I cleaned up any trace of us and started for Wise Girl. She was my pride and joy, something I thought I would never create. I settled into the cockpit and flipped the switches to get going.

"Hello, Seaweed Brain. Was your mission successful?" An automated voice asked.

"So far, Wise Girl. Are there any updates on our condition?"

"Well, I can't tell you how you are feeling, but there might be a leak in the engine room, sir."

"Let's hope I can make it home. Thanks, Wise Girl."

"No problem, Seaweed Brain." Her voice faded away. I sighed. She had been a real person at one point but had the idea to keep her mind alive so she could help people when she passed. Now, she was the AI of my ship. I had programmed her a little bit, adding things to her personality, like sarcasm.

"Alright, let's go home." I shifted the ship into lightspeed, and we were off. I relaxed and sighed with relief. But of course, nothing was that simple. The carrier shuddered and fell from the tunnel. Alarms blared, and I fought to keep her aloft. It was useless as I freefell to the planet below. I didn't stand a chance as we crashed with a sickening crunch.

     I unstrapped my harness and set off for the engine room. Sparked flew as I walked past the electrical wiring. The door to the engine room had crumpled in on itself, so I quickly took care of it before entering. The wires connected to the engine looked as if they had been chewed. Damn those space rats. I got to work on mending them, but halfway through, I heard a sound from the other side of the room. I silently made my way towards it, thinking it was the culprits to my chewed through wires. It was not. It was something I would never have expected. Two people were huddled by the backup generator. But that's not what caught me by surprise. What did was the fact that it was like looking in a mirror. Raven black hair hung in front of their faces, and sea-green eyes stared back at me. They didn't have a tan as I did, and their clothes hung off their thin frames.

"Can you understand me?" I said slowly. They shook their heads yes.

"Can you speak English?" No's that time.

"Can you speak at all?" Still, no's. It pained me when people were robbed of something as important as their voices. But then one of them spoke up.

"Parker. Peyton." He pointed towards himself, then his brother. I mean, I assumed he was his brother.

"My name is Percy. Once I get the ship ready, I'll take you to my home. How does that sound?" They nodded their heads enthusiastically.

"Hey, Wise Girl. What's our condition?"

"There...leaks...room...cut through..." It sounded like she didn't escape the damage either.

"Thank's sweetheart." She didn't respond, so I got to work, a new mission in mind as I looked back towards my doppelgangers. 

Word Count: 964

Author's Note

This one was a little shorter than the first, but it was just a little background. There's a three day weekend coming up but since I can't get on my laptop over the weekend, there won't be an update until Tuesday. Hopefully. And if you are reading this, thank you. Please comment on what you think!


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