A New Beginning

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Percy POV

          A lot has changed since I was 12. I became a demigod, got a girlfriend, and some awesome friends. I had always expected to die young but not like this. My Wise Girl and I were walking in Central Park when we heard gunshots. Being the heroes we are, we raced towards the noise.

          A man about thirty with a greying beard was holding a gun to a young girl's head; my body filled with anger at the sight. There were three others alive and two dead, or at least unmoving. I thought about the odds of me racing at the mortal to free the girl but decided they weren't in my favor. I looked at Annabeth, and she pulled her hat out of her back pocket. I understood immediately.

       I didn't think the bullets would be much of a problem as I had never gotten hit with mortal weapons. I stepped in the clearing slowly, trying not to spook the gunman. I held my hands in the air and walked to stand beside the small group.

     "Don't move!" he growled, spit flying. Not literally, but still. It wasn't like Mrs. O'Leary's, which was ugh. Stupid ADHD. Anyways, when I was close enough to the others, I whispered, "Run when I give the signal." They stared in fear, but a flash of hope appeared in each of their eyes.

     In an instant, the man dropped the gun and released the girl. She ran towards me, along with a now visible Annabeth. "Go!" I shouted. I waited until the people were gone to turn around. The man had picked up the gun and was pointing it at my Wise Girl. I didn't think as I stepped in between the gun and her. He pulled the trigger and jumped in surprise when his bullet hit home. He raced off towards the trees.

    I didn't feel anything at first as I saw the red cover the front of my new blue shirt. Then I felt an intense burning and fell to the ground. I tried to speak but realized I couldn't.

    "Percy!" Annabeth cried. She rushed over to kneel beside me. She tried to feed me ambrosia, but I pushed it away. It was too late.

    "Percy, you promised me. You promised that you wouldn't leave me again." Her tears hit my face as she pulled me into her lap. "I love you, Seaweed Brain. For the rest of my life and the ones after that." She said as my vision went black.

Time Skip

My first thought was, this isn't the Underworld.

      "No, it isn't, Mr. Jackson. We are on Chaos, my home planet." My second thought was, did somebody just read my mind and then PLANET! Lastly, I wasn't dead. I mean, I didn't think I was.

     "You did die, but I gave you rebirth." The man's voice spoke again. My eyes fluttered open to a dark room with ancient-looking lanterns on the walls. They didn't have an actual flame; it looked more technology-based. There was an armchair with a man next to the bed where I was lying. He had raven black hair like mine, but that's where the resemblance ended. His eyes changed colors, reminding me of Piper. His skin was as pale as Nico's, but he had tattoos of the constellations scattered on his arms. He was wearing ripped black jeans and a leather jacket. He had a smirk on his face as I woke up.

     "My name is Chaos, the creator of the universe," he said.

      My intelligent response was, "Really?"

     "Yes. Now, don't call me lord or anything like that. It bothers me to no end. Now that you have awoken, I have a proposition for you. I hope you could become the commander of my army. It's a big deal, but I think you are the right man for the job. Your job will be to help protect the universe from bad guys," he tentatively smiled like I wasn't going to be pleased with the idea. And frankly, I wasn't.

   "No." Maybe I had a death wish by saying that to a powerful primordial, but I had to go to the Underworld. There was no way I was leaving my friends behind, even if they were still alive, and I wasn't. I wanted to wait for the love of my life, and in doing so, we rebirth together.

    "I won't leave my friends behind. Unless you promise to bring them back too. Especially Annabeth."

    "I can swear on the Styx. I, Chaos, promise to give Perseus Jackson's friends the same offer that I have given him when they die." He paused before continuing. "I thought you might say something like that. I have heard that you are very loyal."

     "I didn't expect that, but I guess I'll accept it. What do I do?" I asked, not quite sure what had happened. Just think, a primordial swearing a fatal oath. Who knew? Would it even still be valid since he was the creator of the universe?

      "You have to hold still. It might hurt." He stood up and came to the side of the bed. Closing his eyes, he hovered his left hand over my chest. Concentrating for a moment, his hand started to glow a dark purple. Excruciating pain spread from my chest to the rest of my body.As sudden as it appeared, it was gone. Something had changed; I felt the stirring of it deep in my gut.

     "I have just given you some of my power and immortality. I can't have my commander dying on me, could I?" He chuckled.

     I thought about the fact that I had just gotten more power, something I knew that I didn't want. Maybe it was the fact that I could help people who couldn't help themselves. I pushed the covers off my legs and slid out of bed. I faltered a little but managed to gain my balance. Didn't want to look like a weakling in front of him. At the same time, my stomach grumbled.

     "Do you think I could eat, cuz I'm hungry? I haven't eaten since, wait. When did I eat last? Was it yesterday or...?"

Word Count: 1,034 

Author's Note

I hope you liked it. Still trying to find good details to put in. I hope you also enjoyed the song. I love Gio Navas and the songs she writes. Also, Victoria Carbol and Beth Crowley are some good singers too. I like them so much. They all write and sing songs about books!

A New Beginning-A Chaos Percy Jackson FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now