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I told you all it would be sad✌  if you love tendou, I'm praying for your tissue box😃

I'm also trying to get this out quick so if it seems rushed, sorry.🐱‍🐉have fun! (also wtf is this emoji)


"Ready for the next one?"


"Okay! oh no, this is a sad one."

"Who is it about?"

"Tendou, it says 'Tendous dreams, more like nightmares, won't stop. His relives the bullying from childhood with his new friends and teammates. I'm gonna break down, sh*t."

"Tendou, were you really bullied, or is that just for the alternate universe?"

"Uhh, I don't know if it was really bullying, but I'm fine ushy! Don't worry about me. I do know what they are talking about tho..."

"Why did the bully you Tendou?" Semi asked, confused as to how someone so happy could be bullied.

"Eeh, I looked funny, I guess.  I thought I looked quite nice actually! but that mixed with my guess block I earned the nickname 'Monster', which wasn't meant anyway positive..."

"You guys ready?"

Loading Tendou!........

"Walk in room, take of your coat, you look so nice, I've been so cold"  A pretty voice sang as tendou came in to sit down.

"You wanna be, my special one, I cannot breathe. Please just go home."

Tendou turned looking directly through the screen  with wide are and a bare smile"Tendou..... Tendou.... You are a monster from hell

"Tendou...... Tendou...... You are a monster from hell....."

His smile went away as he ran from whoever was singing.

His smile was back as he teased the team and the person kept singing, "You know just how to be cruel when you shake your hips that way, Paint your lips that way.....

"Tendou..... Tendou.... you are a monster from hell. Tendou.... Tendou.... You are a monster  from hell."

It kept repeating while he did his blocks. He became visabley overwhelmed. He excused himself  from practice and ran to the bathroom.

The song turned into light notes drawn out as he held back tears curled in on himself on the floor. 

"Tendou.... has this happened before? This looks like panic attack."

"Nah, Goshiki, It's stupid. The kids I group up with had weird humor, y'know?" He said faking his happy demenore.

Everyone looked at him conccirned and turned back to the screen. 

He walked back to practice with a smile again. "Walk in the room, watching you smoke. I'm such a fool, take of your coat."

It then showed the team staring at him either scared or disgusted.

"You know just how to be cruel when you shake your hips that way...."

The voices was now identified.

Goshiki continued singing, now with a harsh tone as the team joined in, "I don't care what you say~!!!"



Tendou fell to the ground tears starting fall staring back at his team. 

"You are a monster from hell!!!" 

"Tendou! Tendou! You are a monster from~!"

He was now back on the bathroom floor, shaking and breathing heavily.  His head was in his while he cried. Trying to calm himself down and keep quiet. The screen turned black.

"Well now I'm saAAD!" Oikawa said tearing up seeing the middle blocker having a breakdown.

Tendou just sat still looking at screen looking a little embarrassed. Some others were also heart broken seeing the middle blocker at his lowest point.

Some were crying and some were almost crying. 

"Tendou, I might not be great at this stuff but if you need someone to talk to, I am here and I think the team is as well." Ushijima's face almost looked concerned as the team smiled at him.

Tendou looked back at them and gave a sweet closed eyed smile.

"Enough with the sappy stuff lets look at a fun one!"

"Okay, I will look for one,

"Oh this sounds cute, Kageyama and Hinata's friendship through song, A.K.A them being each others partner in crime. Fitting to the title, 'Partners in Crime'"

"Wouldn't that just be yelling and volleyball?" Daichi asked really confused to what the outcome would be.

"Yeah, me and the dumbass aren't friends."

"Shut up crappyyama! You are dumber!"

"SHUT UP! To answer the question , Daichi No, it is more than yelling and quick attacks. Kageyama, don't lie to yourself you are friends, you are just bad at showing it. And Hinata, you are both so f*cking stupid.


Loading Partners In Crime


HELLO WHORES!! so I finally got a chapter done in less than a month lol. Anyways 754 words sorry it's kinda short I will have two (Hopefully) in the next on.

You got a sneak peek on what the next chapter so, BE GREATFULL.

Then again comment what you wanna see, and requests or a shoutout! Bye guys!!

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