✨I N T R O D U C T I O N S✨

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"WHERE ARE WE?!?!?!?!"


"Iwa-Chan HElP! They are gonna prob me-He HEEEE!!" (heh micheal jackson)

"No ones gonna prob you shittykawa!"


"yes bokuto-san?"


"wait wheres kenma? Kenma? KENMAAA!"

"kuroo, i'm here shut the fuck up."


"What was tha-"


Lev stop crying- Everyone over here."

(omg dont cancel me if i spell something wrong) Everyone in the seemingly never ending room was the karasuno female and male team, Aoba Johsai, Nekoma, Forukodani, Shiratorizawa ect. the coaches and close family members. (like siblings)

"Everyone calm down. I can see why you are nervous and/ or confused I am Casey or author whatever works for you, but anyways, I'm here to show you guys the alternate universes you guys are in. Some people from my world created these   some are completely random. Some are sad happy, show the future, some show a false future. Absolutely anything and everything that the human brain can think of and more is in this fuckin screen."


"Oh, yeah sorry Hinata."

Everyone was a little confused to how they new his name, but ket listening to the strange person giving information.

"WAIT- thank you Hinata, you reminded me of something. There  are going to be times that  I put people in a different room because language. For example I could take little Natsu out if it's very violent. And before you ask," they said stopping people before they could start. "I know everything about all of you. Your birthday, your height,  what you'll be doing in the future(I will put manga spoilers with a WARNING) and your deepest darkest secret.

"Don't ask me why I just do.  Also, if something comes up for one of you and make fun  of them I will either erase you from existence or show the most embarrassing thing for you. As a warning again some of these will be freaking adorable, like a strong friendship, siblings, or relationship, warning this is very gay."

"wut ö"

"SHUT UP, some will be very sad like I have cried to these before. some are s p i c e y Some show other stuff you get it. I will give you a summary before we watch  and yeah?"

different yeahs, okays, sures, and k's were heard.



"i luv them"


"Yes yamaguchi, if anyone hurts your feelings, remember there's an an army out to kill them." the yam was confused, but happy (^-^).

"oh and asahi, iwaizumi, tendou."




"I want hugs  🧍"

"Why us tho?"

"I love you guys more than most people in my life.🐸"


casey has now been hugged by her favorite things and is crying on the floor.


Real chapters will be longer than this. (462 words)  see ya'll soon.

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