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Bing Lin rescued the embarrassed Green Sang, and the three rushed back to Luohua Palace.

"Brother Binglin, are we really going to Luohua Palace?" Lu Sang had a bitter face and an expression that was about to cry. She was quite happy to be able to come out of the valley, but Senior Brother Binglin actually wanted Take her back to Luohua Palace, and instantly the whole person is bad!

"Little Lulu, don't worry, Lord Goddess said, she will intercede for you~" Yintong patted her chest to promise.

"But..." Green Sang murmured for a long time before whispering vaguely: "I don't want Lord Goddess to be wronged~"

The thought of Lord Goddess bowing her head frantically to that guardian for her made her feel so uncomfortable!

"This..." Yintong opened her mouth, and Xiao Lulu was right. Now that the relationship between the goddess and the elder is so rigid, this time she must bow her head when she intercedes for Xiao Lulu...

"Forget it," Green Sang stood up abruptly: "What a big deal, this princess will continue to go back to Po Valley and wait. In short, the guardian will not want to embarrass the Lord Goddess!"

"Guardian mad?" Yintong was taken aback: "Are you referring to the superior?"

Lv Sang raised his chin with his hands on his hips and stared at her: "Isn't he?"

Yintong's branches and leaves curled up and nodded with approval: "Well~ it's very appropriate!" He got close to his head and said something, but was interrupted by Bing Linling's voice: "Here."

When auspicious clouds landed, Luohua Palace was right in front of her eyes, Yintong quickly covered her mouth, she didn't dare to speak badly about her honorably.

"Let's go in."

In the front hall of the Yingluan courtyard, Yao Yin just finished making up a ginseng fruit, and then began to concentrate on cultivating. After mobilizing his breath, he found that his body was almost healed. This ginseng fruit is really a good thing.

"My Lord Goddess, I'm back..." Lu Sang rushed into the hall enthusiastically, and immediately rushed to Yao Yin who was sitting cross-legged. He hugged Yao Yin's legs and looked at her with bright eyes.

Yao Yin slowly opened his eyes: "You stand up honestly for me."

Lu Sang looked at the look of Lord Goddess, blinked, and finally let go of his hand reluctantly, and walked slowly to the center of the hall with his head drooping.

"Princess Green Sang, do you know how much risk this seat took to save you?"

Green Sang pursed his mouth and nodded vigorously.

"Since you know, then you will do what this seat says," Yao Yin pointed out one by one: "First, go to Xing Xianjun and get the 30 fairy whips; second, honestly give the respect My apprentice apologizes; third, after the incident, you should go back to the temple to practice hard, and you are not allowed to bully others."

"Huh?" Lusang was stunned and said with a bitter face: "My Goddess, I don't want to apologize to Xin Yang. I am right. You also said that I was quite good~"

Yao Yin was silent, condensed his eyebrows and held his breath. After a while, he said: "Princess instructions, above the heavens, the strong is respected. Think about it carefully. Everyone in the heavenly palace is careful to let you why, not because you have a body. Is the immortal emperor's father and queen mother? Similarly, although Xin Yang is only a mortal, she has a master who is a god, so no matter whether she wears evil spirits or not, no one else can say."

Female Match Between Master-Apprentice Relationship (MTL) [COMPLETED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz