An hour or two passes, I took a long nap and when I woke up, we were in the middle of traffic. The sun was fully up by now, both of us quite hungry. We found a highway exit and made our way to a McDonald's.

After going through the drive-through and ordering our food, Tommy parked the car at the parking lot and we ate. We could of went inside, but we were wayy too lazy to put our jackets back on.

Tommy and I talked about many controversial topics, milk or cereal first, if pineapple belongs on pizza, etc.

"Oh god if my future lover tells me they put milk first then cereal I'm ending the relationship," I say eating a piece of my pancakes.

"Yeah, as if you'll ever get a significant lover." Tommy jokes

"Oh shut up, not like you've had any luck with that area either."

"I have."

"Like who?"

"Uh idk these girls," Tommy says eating his sandwich


"How about you then Maeve? Since mine is so bad."

"Yeah no I haven't had much luck either, I think I've been on 4 dates in the past 2 years?"

"That's just sad."

"Fuck off innit, we both have no luck with love."

"Well, I think I do... I mean I don't know." He chuckles lightly

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, I think I'm just waiting for the right person and time."

"Smart, you know I've always thought about having a relationship like Carl and Ellie's from up. Or maybe like Rapunzel and Eugene's."

"I like the idea of Carl and Ellie's. Just don't wanna see my soulmate die."

"It's life, but yeah I get what you mean. On a happier note. I would love to go watch lanterns, just like on rapunzel's birthday."

"Me too, we should go some time." Tommy suggests

"Once winter is over, we have to!"

Tommy and I finished up our food then got back on the road. Another 1-2 hours if we're lucky, up to 4 if we aren't. Tommy and I did the casual, talk about stupid shit, and sing along to the music. The hours of driving going by quickly.

We made it to Tommy's parents' home, putting our jackets back on and getting our things out of the car. Tommy opened the door with his keys. By now the snow had started to fall, luckily we got to the house before it got real heavy. Walking in, Tommy's mom and dad waiting for us by the front door. Betty and Walter running up to us.

"It's so nice to see you again Mr and Mrs grant!" I say hugging them after taking off my shoes and jacket.

"Please Maeve, just because we haven't seen you in a few years doesn't mean you have to call us by our last names again. Tricia." Tommy's mom tells me hugging me back

"Right right, thank you for letting me come with Tommy Tricia and James."

"Oh of course! You're always welcome here." Tommy's dad tells me

"Aunt Jasmine and her family's staying in our guest room in a few days so you two alright sleeping in the same room?" Tricia asks

"Yea I don't mind, Tommy?"

"Sounds good to me, let's bring our stuff up," Tommy says looking at me

Tommy's parents go back to what they were doing before we got here, Tommy and I helping each other bring our things up. Tommy opened his door to his bedroom, the familiar room hitting me with nostalgia. I place my things in the corner and jump onto his bed.

"Not a single thing has changed in this room," I say while laying down.

"When I moved out, I got completely new things, leaving most of my stuff here."

"Haven't seen or even been in this room in ages! Your bed still feels the same."

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Tommy laughs lightly

"It's a compliment, your bed is very comfortable." Betty walks into the room, sitting down next to the bed looking at me. I hug the dog, haven't seen her in a while.

"Well this is your home for the next like 2 weeks-ish, get comfortable."

"I'm gonna nap, later do you wanna go out to eat?" I ask him

"Yeah sure, rest well."

< Tommy's POV: >

Maeve was sound asleep on my bed, cuddled up with my white comforter. I checked my PC to see if it's still working well. I planned to stream at least once a week while I'm here. We prerecorded a bunch of videos so for Christmas, my crew can get a break.

I went downstairs to see my parents playing a game of poker.

"Hey, Tom, how you doing son?" My dad asks

"I'm good dad, seems like you two are doing just fine as well," I say sitting down on the couch.

"We're very excited about the holidays, glad you're here. Let's hope the snow isn't this bad on Christmas Day. Wheres Maeve?" My mom says

"She's taking a nap right now."

"Ohh I see, what do you two have planned?"

"Well after the snow dies down, I'll probably show her around our area. Not quite sure yet to be honest." I chuckle lightly

"I'm glad you brought Maeve, it's been a while since I last saw you smile with her." My mom says nudging me

"Mom, come on."

"She's right tho, you're quite happy with Maeve." my dad grins

"She means a lot to me, you guys know that."

Published: 12/07/20
I'm trying to get the Christmas Chapter posted on Christmas, so there might not be daily uploads. Imma try to create some filler so there are at least a few chapters a week leading up to Christmas. If you guys have any festive chapter ideas pls let me know! Also thank you for all the support, it really means a lot.

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