"What?", she looked up at me

"What you did to that girl. Whatever your personal problem is you shouldn't have involved family. You wouldn't have wanted that to happen to your dad would you?", I spoke my face void of any emotion.

She stared at me for a good solid minute before picking on her ice cream again.

"Hm" That was all she said. She kept quiet for the entire ride and dropped me off at the gym.

Knowing her I didn't even have to ask how she knew where I lived. Before she left, she said something that would be with me for a long time.

"Maybe You're right"

Today has being a good day on my end. Got the stuck-up bi- Bella to admit I'm right and got in some warming up for the match tonight.

After changing into a pair of track shorts. I grabbed my gloves and went up on the worn ring in the center of the old gym to get in some practice before the fight.

Soon it was that time again, I was standing behind the familiar rotted door in the shady underground basement waiting for my name to be called.

"Ladies and Gentleman! Tonight we have our rookie winner from the last fight duelling it out with last year's quarter finalist. Put your hands together for your handsome man of the moment Xavier Russo AKA The Black Eye!"

Striding out confidently on to the ring, I could hear the cheers erupting from the audience. Guys were shouting their bets on me while girls screamed their lungs out as usual.

"Challenging him we have our beloved quarter finalist best known for his signature gruesome move of ripping limbs off of their opponent. Put your hands together for the fearsome 38 year old David Stathom AKA The Ripper!"

The Ripper was at least twice as shredded and buff as me, he looked at me as if i was some little kid with a death wish.

I have wish for someone to live and I'll be damned if I let an old man stop me.

The bell rang signalling the start of the fight and The Ripper didn't waste a second in throwing the first punch, which I swiftly escaped.

I backpedaled letting his punches kiss the air. Deciding to use the man's bulkiness against him I ducked and threw a double  uppercut against his abdomen yet his hard muscles merely took the hit.

Covering up I manged to withstand the continuous punches he threw my way. He's going to burn out quickly if he keeps this up. All I had do was defend till he gets tired.

I kept backpedaling and covering up to avoid getting hit but they didn't work always and he managed a hook my shoulder hard. He was aiming for another punch at the exact same spot to shatter my collarbone but I soon swirled and jumped, high kicking him in his face. His mouth guard flew into the floor of the canvas as he spat blood.

His fury took over as he came barelling towards me. Unable to move away in time he managed to punch my nose, breaking it on impact. I felt the blood ooze down my lips onto my chin as I wiped it away, the pain was non existent thanks to the adrenaline.

Having had enough I backpedaled and jumped up to swirl around in the air and high kick him straight in the head. The man lost his balance thanks to his massive weight and had a flash knockdown.

He got up soon enough and was now barelling towards me again, this time prepared for it, I check hooked him. Its a counter punch that involves simultaneously stepping back and timing the opponent as he comes barelling forward.

This had him swirling backwards as the punch landed on his right eye.  Using his distracted state to my advantage I jumped forward and Jabbed him before throwing a cross his way. The cross involved a power punch thrown with the rear hand that travels across the fighter's body.

After this the fight was already won since the The Ripper was burned out. I threw continous hooks and uppercuts his way before finishing with my signature move.

Reeling back my fist I threw in a power punch directed straight at his face before shifting into a high kick and kicking him on the head hard to knock him off his feet.

The Ripper fell on the canvas and groaned, struggling to sit up. Referee gave the count and declared me the winner.

"Qualifying to the Semi's of the Championship Tournament we got our Rookie Fighter who's a beast when on the ring, Xavier Russo! Give him your applause and your bet if you think The Black Eye can make it to the finals of the  Townley Championship Tournament this Friday night!" The MC rambled on while I limped out of the ring, my foot hurting with all the kicking done today. As soon as I stepped down, old man Grey placed an ice pack on my nose before letting me go collect my cash prize.

I gave him his cut and showered at the gym before stashing away the money safely.

I won today too Cheriè! Fratello will keep winning, just you wait.

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