Chapter 3 Snuggles

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Your POV

*You woke up in your room..and see Frisk and Chara laying on you

(I'm positive I put them in their rooms)

*Chara seems to be sleeping soundly on your left arm and Frisk seems to be hugging your right arm close to her soft chest
"I need to go to work"you said
"(Sigh)Fine"you said giving in

*You closed your eyes and you hugged Chara closer to you then you got relaxed


*You feel someone's hand on your chest and you hear Chara sigh
"I'm not leaving until she does"Chara said
"I'll just go to work later"you replied
*Chara wraps her arms around your head and she cuddles closer to you

"C-Chara"you said feeling her softness overwhelm you
"I'll be working too so I want to be with you like this"Chara said sounding tiredly happy
"Ok"you said

*Frisk shuffles around she puts her head closer to your face and she kissed your right cheek.You open your eyes while you totally had normal calm blushing mess of a face

"Morning baby"Frisk said softly as she smiles

"F-Frisk you said you wouldn't do that anymore"you said looking away from Frisk
"I said in public.You should've been more specific"Frisk smiles
"What did she do?"Chara whispers into your left ear
"N-Nothing"you said feeling all kinds of  heart racing things

*Frisk giggles

*Chara unwraps her arms and she lays on top of you and you looked to your left

"Tell me Hun or I'll just aim for something she didn't"Chara looks at you with a flirty smile
"..She kissed my cheek"you said looking at Chara
*Chara crawls to your face and she hovers over you.You looked at her then Frisk covers your mouth

"Don't kiss him to much"Frisk said to Chara

*Chara kisses your left cheek then your right then she lowers her head closer down to your neck to kiss it then she pulls your collar of your jacket and shirt to kiss your chest

*You pushed her up and she smiles at you
"What's wrong?"Chara looks at you with a flirty expression
*You got Frisk's hand off you

"P-Please no more..I said to tell me"you said looking shy
"But you liked it right?"Chara asks

*You looked to your left as you were blushing

*Chara giggles a bit and she fixes you up then she holds your chin to make you face her

"I never slept in someone's house as long as right now.So treat your guests well"Chara said smiling as she looked serious

*Frisk kissed your right cheek again then your right shoulder

"Because we'll treat you better baby"Frisk said softly

*You turned red and you had nothing to respond to

*Frisk and Chara giggles and they got off you then they walked towards the door

"I'm taking a shower Hun"Chara said walking towards the door
"Me too.Do you want to join us?"Frisk asks as she turns her head to look at you

"We promise we won't flirt with you"Chara said sounding like a cute liar
"That's a lie and I'm not changing my mind"you said looking away
"Another thing you'll regret saying"Chara said sounding grumpy
"We'll make breakfast so just stay there for us"Frisk said sounding cute

*They left your room
*You grabbed a pillow and let out a muffled groan.You notice a scent that Chara always wears and you put the pillow down

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