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"So let me get this straight, Klaus and Rose has a bond that connected them and cannot be broken?" Kol asks trying to process what he heard as Elijah nodded his head.

"It is what I read in the book. I cannot make it up at all." Elijah tells him.

"Why are we bonded to one another?" Klaus asks.

"I didn't get through the entire thing when all of you barged into the study room and asked for results."
"You should have went faster." Kol tells him making Elijah glare.

"And you should have some patience." Elijah scolded and this led to an argument. They didn't notice or hear someone knock on the door and Rosalina walking to answer it. (Bad parenting)

She reaches towards the knob as best as she could while her family argues about whatever it was. She jumps up a few times grabbing the door knob and opening the door. She saw pair of legs in front of her before looking up to see an old man looking down at him.

"Hello." She greeted towards him shyly as the man frowns thinking if he got the right address.

"Rose? Rose? There you are, what are you-" Klaus stopped midway as his eyes set towards the door making them wide.

"Rosalina back away from the door now." Klaus said sternly as Rose ran up towards him holding his hand and everyone walked out the living room and looked at the front door in shock.

"Seems like I have missed the family meeting." The man says walking inside the house.

"Father? How are you alive?" Elijah asked frowning.

"Reasons that I cannot say, but I came here to finish what I need to finish." He tells them as their eyes widen.

"Daddy? Who that?" Rosalina asks and Klaus looks at his father who was speaking to his siblings before towards her.

"That is...our father, Mikael." He mutters.

"Grandpa?" She asks again looking up towards him with her blue doe eyes. (Forgot eye color sorry)

"Sort of." He replies to her as she turns her attention towards the man again. She let go of Klaus and ran up towards him.

"Rose!" Klaus said ready to run up and grab her. She hugs the man's leg as Mikael stopped talking and looked down seeing the same little girl hugging him.

She looks up at him smiling happily which confuses and warms his heart as everyone waited to protect Rose and Klaus is glaring at the man.

"Hi grandpa! Nice to meet you!" She giggles happily as Mikael stayed quiet which made everyone silent.

"Who's child is this?" He asks looking up at them and they all stayed quiet which he knew would happen before crouching in front of the little girl.

"Who's your father darling?" He asks silently.

"Daddy." She pointed towards Klaus as his eyes went towards him before back at her.

"You two don't look alike at all." He says.

"Daddy found me in woods! Saved me from baddie!" She tells him as her eyes sparkle and he nodded before standing up.

He walk towards Klaus who stood tall glaring at him with anger and fear. Mikael stood in front of him looking at him before engulfing him into a hug. Klaus's eyes widen in shock as did everyone else except Rose.

Mikael pulls away and patted his son's shoulder.

"I am proud of you." He tells him as he stood there in silence as Mikael walks away and back to Rose. Klaus's eyes began to water as he stood there speechless not believing of what he heard.

"Daddy." Klaus heard making him look down seeing his little girl standing in front of him as he kneels in front of her.

"Yes, sweetheart?" He asks smiling a bit.

"Why is you cwying? Daddy hut?" She asks with worried eyes and he chuckles shaking his head.

"No, No. Daddy is fine, why don't you play and get to know your grandpa for a bit. Will you?" Klaus tells her and worry turned into excitement in her eyes as she nodded and hugged Klaus kissing his cheek before running up to Mikael.

"Grandpa! Look at toys daddy bought!" She tells him and began pulling Mikael up the stairs as he laugh at her pulling him before carrying her to his arms making Rose squeal and laugh when he tickled her sides.

Klaus cleared his throat as he stood up and wiped the tears away from his eyes. Everyone looked at him and pat his back giving him the comfort that he needed.

"Thank you. We should, discuss the topic again." He tells them and walked back into the living room as they all did the same and began talking to one another.

——2 hours later

After discussing about the bond between the two, Klaus walks up the stairs to check up on his father and Rose. He opens the door to her room to find his father sleeping on the bed while Rose lays on top of him passed out as well. Klaus smiles walking inside the room and pulled the blanket over them before giving a kiss on Rosalina's head then leaves her room.

"They're sleeping like a baby, I assume?" Elijah asks smiling as Klaus nodded closing the door behind him.

"Seems like she has everyone wrapped around her finger."
"She is the light of everyone's darkness." Klaus sighs and Elijah nodded agreeing with his brother.

"Let us get some rest. Ask our father some questions tomorrow." Elijah tells him and he nodded as they parted ways and entered their rooms. Klaus changes his clothes and lays on his bed staring right at the ceiling with questions in his head. He sighs and shut his eyes to get a good night rest only to open them seeing himself in a white room that is blinding him. He squinted and moved his hands up to cover the brightness.

"Hello Niklaus." Klaus turns to see a beautiful pale woman with long black hair.

"You must be Angie."
"You heard of me." She says as she walks pass him and he follows her movement watching her carefully.

"I've heard of you a couple of times. Why not tell me what you fully are."
"You already know what I am, Niklaus."
"An Angel?" Klaus sighs and she shrugs.

"Its called Divine, but I guess Angels are fine." She sighs and Klaus rolls his eyes on her pickiness.

"What do you want?"
"My my, eager are we?"
"You are ruining my rest."
"You will feel refreshed once you have awoken. No need to get your knickers in a twist." Angie laughs making Klaus sigh deeply.

"I came to say to watch my daughter carefully and protect her at all cost. I have bonded the two of you where if she felt your pain than she would have felt minor."
"You bonded us two? You could have killed her."
"Killed her? I would do no such thing!" Angie shouted in anger.

"When I was thrown across the room and wood stuck to my side, she was hurt and bleeding! You bonded us both with a fatal one!"
"I bonded the two of you so you can find her if she's in deep trouble! I will not do that to my own daughter to kill her!" She shouted louder as Klaus shuts up.

"She is a precious powerful being. Someone must have been planning to kill her and caused your bond to grow stronger than what it should be. All wasn't supposed to get hurt when you did. All she could feel was that something bad had happened or you would feel the same as well." She explains as Klaus frowns.

"Then who would have done this." He asks and Angie sighs.

"I do not know. I will have to go look around. Protect her and be careful." She growls before everything went black and Klaus wakes up the next morning feeling refreshed yet worried.

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