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Klaus has never left Rosalina's side ever since they returned her to him

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Klaus has never left Rosalina's side ever since they returned her to him. He sat down on the floor with her on her stomach. Klaus takes some photos of her while Rosalina plays with her toys. He smiles happily as he kept taking photos when a knock made him look up. He sees Elijah standing at the doorway watching them and Klaus sat up nodding his head towards him.

Elijah walks in and crouches down as he gently strokes the small hairs on Rosalina's head while she shakes a rattle on her hand making him smile.

"Seems like she's enjoying her toys now than before." Elijah says and Klaus nodded looking at his angel with a smile.

"She, especially like this one." He pointed at the rattle on her hand as she shakes it before placing it in her mouth which caused Klaus to move it away.

"Darling, as much as that looks like ice cream to you, it is not edible." He tells her as he lifted her up from the ground making her squeal with happiness and Elijah chuckles. He quickly went behind Klaus to warm up the milk not noticing Rosalina staring at him.

"Seems like you got her attention brother." Klaus smirks making Elijah look at them to see Rosalina looking at him with wide doe blue eyes. Elijah
help, but let out a soft chuckle.

"As it would seem. She hasn't seen us with our true speed, hm?" Elijah questions and Klaus shook his head.

"Not yet. I was planning on telling her what we are when she already know how to talk so she doesn't forget and fear what we are." Klaus tells him and he understood.

"I understand, but with you raising her like she's your daughter, I do doubt she'll fear us." Elijah says as he makes her drink.

"Where are the others?" Klaus finally ask.

"Finn and Rebekah went to buy some toys and necessities for Rosalina while our brother Kol took some interest on Caroline. I believe he is infatuated with her." Elijah smirks which made Klaus roll his eyes.

"If he hurt Caroline, I swear I will stab him with a white oak stake." He says and Elijah shook his head as he shook the baby bottle.

"I doubt he would. You know he may act like a wild maniac, but I doubt he'll do anything to hurt the baby vampire." Elijah says before handing Klaus the bottle and he takes it. He sets the bottle on the floor and lays Rosalina in his arms before taking the bottle and placing it between her lips.

She began feeding holding the bottle on her small hands which made Klaus smile.

"As much as you want to hold the bottle, I doubt you can hold onto the weight of it." He tells her and she gurgles in response before she keeps feeding. Elijah pets her head softly while she drinks.

"I do remember carrying Rebekah and Kol like this. Those two would always fight on who would want to play with each of us. Mostly you." Elijah smiles as Klaus did the same.

The Devil's Princess (Klaus Mikaelson)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora