Potato?? -Short

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Well you asked for it! But this is slightly different

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Well you asked for it! But this is slightly different.

————Before planning to go to New Orleans

Rosalina walks towards her father who was drawing in his sketch book.

"Daddy?" She calls and Klaus hums closing his book and giving Rosalina all his attention. He carries her up the floor and places her on his lap.

"Yes, Angel?"
"What do fwies made out of?" she asks softly as Klaus looked at her confused at the question.

"Well, fries are made out of potatoes love." He answers bluntly.

"Potatoes?" She mutters and he nodded not seeing the big deal was until tears began to form from her eyes.

"What's wrong princess?"
"Th-They h-hurt potatoes." She sobs as Klaus stops himself from laughing as he held onto her pulling her close.

"Hey, hey it's okay. No need to cry love." He tells her as she sobs onto his shirt.

"The potatoes go to vegetable heaven and they are happy to go there because they finally gave some nutrients to your tiny bones." Klaus makes up a tale as she looks up at him.

"W-Weally?" She asks wiping her tears away and Klaus nodded smiling as he holds her again and kissing her head.

"Yes and they will always watch over you." Klaus smiles and Rosalina nodded her head before falling asleep.

"Why was she crying?" He hears and looks up to see Elijah walking inside the room.

"Asking what fries were made out of and I said from potatoes and she began crying." Klaus explains as Elijah chuckles slightly.

"And you had to make up a righteous vegetable heaven for her?"
"It's better to say that. You weren't being placed into the spotlight." Klaus tells him as Elijah smiles shaking his head.

"Be glad she didn't ask where do babies come from, but I would laugh to see you squirm when you have to answer that question." Kol appears smirking as Klaus groans knowing that Rosalina will ask him that question when she grows up. Hopefully not sooner.

"Daddy, where do babies come from?" Kol says in a tiny voice as he tugs on Elijah's sleeve who's trying his best not to laugh at this while Klaus glares at them.

"Well...uh...Rosalina...babies...were...uh." Elijah plays along as Klaus growls lowly before standing up carrying his daughter in his arms and walking pass his brothers angrily as they laughed while he walks upstairs seeing his little sister standing there with an amused smirk.

"Came to tease me?" He growls and Rebekah shook her head.

"No, I don't need to, but if you wanna get back on them...just tell me." She says and Klaus chuckles a bit before whispering his plan to get back.

——4 days later

Kol sat in his room bored when he hears a soft knock on the door causing him to turn and see his little niece peeking inside

"Rose, what can I do for you princess?" He asks as he patted a space next to his bed and Rose walks in climbing on his bed.

"Uncle Kol, how do chickens make babies?" She asks as Kol's eyes widen.

"Wh-What?" He stutters.

"How do chickens make babies?" She repeated and Kol stayed silent trying to think a best way to say it without going brutal.

"W-Well, th-they came from a chicken and they lay eggs." He explains to her squirming slightly not noticing a video camera recording him.

"How do they make the eggs?" She asks as Kol looks flustered as he tries to think of something when he hears snickering from outside his door. He frowns and told Rosalina to stay there before moving towards the door opening it as he sees a camera aiming at him with Rebekah recording his face.

"Get pranked!"

——5 days later

Klaus urges his daughter silently to go to the study room where Elijah was and she walks towards the door knocking on it. Klaus hides as Elijah lets her in and shuts the door behind him.

"Uncle Lijah." Rosalina calls him and Elijah hums drinking his tea when he lets Rosalina read his diaries.

"Why you wite in you book She tasted delicious as I lick between her legs." Rosalina reads out loud causing Elijah to spit all his tea out of his mouth to the side before running and grabbing the diary from Rosalina's hands who looked up at him confused as Elijah clears his throat.

"Uhh...that is not what you should be reading." He mutters as he curses himself for letting a 4 years old read one of his diary.

"Did she have candy?" Rosalina asks and Elijah felt everything in his body stop as he hears her question. He them hears laughter outside as he storms towards the door and opens it glaring to see Klaus on the floor laughing.

"NIKLAUS!!" Elijah boomed as Klaus only laughed harder at him before running off as Elijah chased after him. A couple days later, Elijah apologizes to Rosalina about the diary and his voice, but she forgave him saying that she might have just given him candy which still haunted Elijah till this day and making sure to check his diaries.

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