"Thank you mother empress!" Lv Sang bounced out of the palace, and he was truly relieved. Fortunately, the father and queen did not continue to ask, otherwise the Lord Goddess' injury must be revealed!

Stupid Tongshu said, don't tell others about the injury of the goddess, or the goddess will be very angry!

Alas, I don't know what the Lord Goddess is now, and there is also the stupid tung tree... Thinking of this, the green mulberry's eyeballs rolled around, suddenly stopped, and slid into Taoyuan, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Isn't it just a car of flat peaches, she will let the stupid tung tree open his eyes today!

Luohua Palace

Yintong was sitting on the white jade steps outside the Luochen Hall, tilting his head and looking at Xin Yang and the black-clothed boy with two horns beside her. Feng Yu said that the boy was really a dragon. , If he guessed correctly, it would be Xin Yang's contract beast in all likelihood.

Alas, it's good to be an apprentice of the honorable. If you haven't even cultivated the immortal body, there will be a contract beast, and it's an ancient beast species like Jiao.

In the future, when he becomes a dragon, he will become the head of the beast. When that happens, Xin Yang will be so beautiful. You know, even the current Emperor of Heaven is a five-clawed golden dragon!

Suddenly a gust of wind passed, Yin Tong suddenly returned to his senses, only to see Feng Yu appeared in front of the Luochen Hall, holding a mirror-like thing in his hand, hurried inward.

Yintong hurriedly greeted him and said curiously: "This is the pupil lens?"

"Yeah." Feng Yu didn't stop, and stepped into the hall after answering her briefly.

Feng Yu didn't want to say a word, Yintong could only get bored secretly, returned to the place and sat down again.

As soon as he returned to the palace, he hugged the Lord Goddess into the Luochen Hall, and ordered Feng Yu to return to the Goddess to take the pupil mirror, while Brother Binglin was called into the hall to protect the law, and no one else was allowed to enter, even Xin Yang was no exception.

At that time, Zun Shang's face was extremely bad, and Shen Yang's anger turned into invisible coercion, and the immortals who surrounded Luohua Palace suddenly fell silent and did not dare to say anything.

Fortunately, she arrived in time, otherwise she was really worried that those immortal houses would force in.

Since the Yanlong whip disappeared for no reason thousands of years ago, the celestial immortals have become horrified birds, and they are always extremely sensitive when it comes to divine artifacts.

However, the difference between the different artifacts is also great. The Yanlong Whip is one of the ten ancient artifacts, and it suppresses the demon's soul. It is related to the tranquility of the six realms. Of course, it cannot be the same day as the "defective products" such as Liulihou. And language.

In the Palace of the Goddess, there are not a few artifacts left behind, but most of them are ordinary things, which are really nothing in the artifacts. Of course, even if they are only the last artifacts, they are far beyond the existence of the fairy world.

In fact, among the artifacts possessed by the goddess, the most important ones are the Demon Umbrella, the Gathering Ding, and the Kunlun Mirror. These three objects are all top grades and are the ten ancient artifacts that go hand in hand with the Yanlong Whip Xuanyuan Sword. .

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