Chapter 1:

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***As promised, this is the first chapter of Society's Eye, the story @avazoldyck4 and I have been working on. Feel free to leave us comments so we know what you think and please vote if you enjoyed it! Happy New Year!!***


All I could remember was that night. He was holding me so close and kept kissing me gently all along my neck. I don't think I've ever felt so comfortable.

    I opened my eyes and realized that it was already morning and time for me to receive my daily assignment. I looked over my shoulder and he was still laying right beside me as he was the night before.

    He looked over at me and whispered into my ear," Semoonaaa...... tight schedules don't look good on you." And I guess he had a point. I have always lived my life knowing exactly what will come next but lately, things have been getting out of hand and there have been more fatalities lately and an increasing number of people have gone missing.

    Ok, let's get some things cleared up. My name is Semona Foster and I am a scribe. I guess nowadays you would call me a journalist, but that was nothing close to what I was considered. I guess if I had to summarize it, I was Cunt, Wench, Prick, etc... No one paid me any respect so the only reason I stuck with my job was this. I wanted to show people (men mostly) that women are not just eye candy or sex toys. We have hearts and minds too so we deserve to be valued!

I was desperate to get a job that people would respect me for and I could inform the country, or at least my town, of all the terrible things that are being hidden from the public eye. I have written a wide variety of stories about the chaos going on here in Hearthaya. Not many journalists report the truth. They almost all sugar coat it to make our country sound like it's heaven on Earth and that WE are the ones being wronged. I hate to tell you, but it is anything but heaven. I'd say it's hell adjacent with Death as our next-door neighbor. But I love this job because I get to show this screwed up country, that just because I'm a woman, I can do anything a man can do. Here, there are barely any female scribes. I am one of the only ones surrounded by men and I love it. I DO NOT love being surrounded by men, they treat me excruciatingly poorly. I love the part of the job that entails being able to show the people who have done such terrible things to the citizens (and women, mostly women) of this country that they are maniacal. Women are talented human beings which, might I add, is the opposite of the claims made by the male supremacy stereotypes. I'm getting off-topic. Overall though, we are treated like shiny objects to show off to neighbors about how special you are for "owning" one. I hate it. Ok, anyways.......

    You might think that after all this time and all the wars we've been through, King Morrison would understand how people are supposed to be treated...I was sadly mistaken as I began to assume this when I ventured here a couple of years ago.  

    I left Arcelia about 2 years ago towards the town of Havenwood, which is also when I met Dee. Dee was one of the contestants at the jousting tournament I had been assigned to report on as it was a political challenge between two of the King's advisors. This was a historic event in which Lord Gautier had challenged Lord Ingraham to an elimination duel over who would accompany the King on his annual trip to the highly regarded Godly Plains. The Godly Plains are a series of small villages that house very important political figures. Meeting with these people is a very high honor and for the chosen Lord, meeting them could change their life. This trip was an extremely valuable opportunity for the winning Lord to gain trust in the King.  Each Lord was to determine a group of five Master Knights as his team and they would go through, one man versus one man each and the team with the man still standing, earning the point. Each knight only received one chance with his opponent in one of the five rounds. Dee just happened to be on Lord Ingraham's team and was his competitor for the tie-breaking round. For this final round, I got front row seats to capture every detail of this important event. Even though I am not from this country but Arcelia, I knew how important this was, so I came in my best purple, ankle length tunic, belted at the waist, with a comfortable linen chemise underneath.

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