Chapter 2:

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As you can assume, Dee was picked for the trip to the Godly Plains and due to his unkindly respect towards me, he requested for me to come along to report the excursion, so of course, that's what I did.

It took us 3 days time to finally arrive at the Godly Plains as we had to continually stop to feed the mules who were being very stubborn, or rather, more stubborn than usual.

Daniel stayed in one of the two canvas draped wagons accompanying Lord Ingraham to ensure his safety and well being. I, on the other hand, was stuck in the second wagon which hosted the maids. Apparently, lower-class females aren't supposed to mingle with upper-class males so I was forbidden from staying with Daniel. Something to do with confusion about what class the child would be in, I guess. It doesn't matter though. At this point, Daniel only barely knew me.

I guess you would have expected it to be terrible in the maid's wagon, but in all honesty, it wasn't half bad. The only part that made me slightly uncomfortable was how they were constantly talking about how hot and flirty Daniel was. They haven't had a single interaction with him this whole trip and they already think he's flirty. It's annoying.

It was way past nightfall when the wagons finally stopped for the night. I was grateful for this as I was starting to get slightly nauseous with all the bouncing and jostling of the cart. My linen chemise was also beginning to get rather itchy so when the carts had finally stopped, I got out with a fresh set of clothes to go change behind some bushes a little further away from camp.

I walked a little while before I spotted a little section of woods that had parted in a way that it made for a nice barrier. I hastily walked behind it and began to pull off my skirt when I heard a very masculine voice.

I start to panic, am I being stalked? As the voice spoke more, I realized the voice was talking to me. Given the fact that my skirt was now almost entirely exposing my thighs, I quickly ducked even further into the bushes to bring my skirt back up. Once I did, I pulled on one of the tunics from the pile of fresh clothes I had grabbed earlier.

"Who's there..?" I hesitated as I spoke to the woods around me of which I didn't see anyone.

"Is that you Ms. Foster?" spoke a very masculine voice. "I apologize for the intrusion, it is only I, Sir Daniel, knight of Lord Ingraham."

As I heard that, I sighed in relief but also in discomfort. A knight for one of the King's Advisors almost saw me half naked, I thought. I quickly finished up changing into my fresh attire, and tried to follow Dee's voice amidst the dark woods.

Because of the time and the density of the forest, it became increasingly difficult to find where Daniel was due to the fact that I kept stumbling on weeds and roots that were protruding out of the grass-barren ground.

"Hello? Sir Daniel?" I began to get nervous because I hadn't heard his voice for a while and I feared my wandering was taking me further and further away from our camp.

It was only until I was sitting down on a nearby trunk that I felt a tense, muscular hand on my shoulder. At this sudden sensation, I almost fell over. As I regained my balance, I turned around and prepared for the worst.

"I'm sorry if I startled you Ms. Foster. I was sent to come find you as Lord Ingraham was beginning to get concerned." As I mentioned earlier, Lord Ingraham is a very noble man, so this was not a surprise to me when I heard Daniel mention his distress.

"Oh it's no problem. I was just beginning to get worried I was lost. Do you have a thought of where our camp might have gone?" Daniel chuckled at this as though it was a joke though I meant it with the utmost sincerity.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2021 ⏰

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