i'll be the only dream you seek [a.v]

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dedicated to slmccl i fucking love them and you guys should definitely check out their works if you like mine :)) just saying

mom they r canon gay why do ppl not write them enough

fic title from ;; this side of paradise - the coyote theory

cw/tws ;; none !!

pairing ;; velvetfrost [anthony/antfrost + velvet/velvetiscake]

prompt ;; soft, sleepy cuddles, courtesy of anthony.

final word count ;; 1.26k


anthony's first notion that something is wrong is when velvet storms into their apartment, slamming the door shut behind himself and dropping his bag abruptly on the ground. he flops angrily onto the couch and tosses an arm over his eyes, teeth grinding together audibly in a noise that makes anthony cringe.

"velv, babe," he calls, and when he doesn't receive an answer, he starts to plot. he wonders why velvet is upset; bad day at work, harassment from coworkers or someone that recognises him on the streets, or something else, but whether it be big or small, velvet is still upset. 

anthony hates it when velvet is upset. he loves velvet, and it physically pains him to see the other man wearing any emotion other than joy and peaceful serenity on his face; all anthony wants to see is velvet perpetually happy, sunshine lacing his pretty voice and crow's feet crinkling around his eyes, that glorious smile to take residence on his smooth peach lips and sparkling tangerine speckles in his honey-amber eyes.

that's what being in love feels like to anthony. wanting to see velvet happy is more important than anything else in the world to him, more important than himself, and he'd do anything to keep it that way.

and so, his plan is finished and set into action.

the first thing he does is grab the extra comforters and pile them up onto his bed. the heat is turned to a comfortable level, he efficiently picks up stuff that shouldn't be on the floor, neatly putting it all in the correct placing and throwing away what needs to be thrown away, and when the room is tidy and comfortable, he moves on to phase two.

he pops into the living room, narrowing his eyes at the silhouette of velvet resting on the couch. he's still in the same position as he was before, and anthony's heart fractures ever so slightly. again, he hates seeing velvet like this, but he's got hope his plan will work.

phase two; food.

all of velvet's favourite snacks are piled into his arms and nearly dropped into the bed - anthony steadies himself before he crushes everything and settles the bags and plastic-wrapped pastries and bottles of water next to the bed, where they can't possibly be stepped on, and he makes sure he has everything he needs for this before he moves on to phase three; making sure the electronics are charged (or charging) and setting them up.

he unlocks his laptop and opens a chrome tab, quickly taps in youtube.com, and pushes it to the side of the bed. he looks around the room, making sure everything is set up correctly so he can work on the final phase.

what's the final phase, you might ask?

it's trying to convince velvet to come to the room.

usually, when velvet comes home upset, he prefers to sit and sulk on the couch, ignoring hunger and thirst or the need to use the bathroom whilst he does so. it's not good for him, anthony knows, which is why he plans and sets up for a good cheer-up session. he knows what velvet likes, knows what makes him happy, and he puts all of those things together for velvet whenever he's upset.

he shuffles out to the living room, kneeling beside the couch and placing a hand on velvet's arm, his soft smile fading into a delicate frown. "velvet," he murmurs softly, shifting and resting his hand on top of velvet's, "c'mon, sweetheart, let's go to the room."

it takes a moment of soft cooing and gentle coaxing, but velvet is sitting up and pushing himself up off the couch, linking his fingers with anthony's, squeezing tightly. anthony smiles, brushes his lips against the taller's cheek, and guides velvet to their room. velvet immediately makes a beeline for the bed, laying down and curling up, reaching his arms out in a gesture for anthony to join him.

the lights are dimmed, the door is closed, phones are silenced, and anthony finally crawls into the bed, settling into velvet's arms. he tugs the laptop onto his lap, and, after a brief moment of typing, 24 frames of nick's slenderman video is playing and velvet is finally relaxing in his arms.

nick's voice drowns out the buzzing in anthony's head, all his worry about velvet melting into pure admiration for the other man.

velvet is pretty, ethereal even when he's sad, as if aphrodite herself sculpted him with her bare hands and sent him down to tempt anthony, to make him weak and powerless to his pleading eyes, his smooth voice, to his face, to him. and anthony doesn't mind, not at all; now that he has velvet all to himself, he's content, happy, more than willing to die rather than lose him.

anthony shifts, pressing closer to velvet and resting his hand on velvet's chest. seizing an opportunity, velvet interlocks their fingers, smiling softly down at him and leaning down to press a kiss to his forehead. in return, anthony tilts his head up and presses his nose into velvet's cheek, nuzzling him lovingly.

"you're like a little cat," velvet muses quietly, voice croaky, and anthony's heart skips a beat. "'s cute, i like it."

"mm, i try." velvet laughs, his chest rumbling underneath anthony's head, and anthony purrs quietly, further stimulating the thought that anthony is a cat in disguise.

the video ends and velvet clicks on another one, his unoccupied hand resting on anthony's soft curls. he weaves amber locks between his fingers, smiling down at anthony when the shorter presses his head into the delicate touch and hums appreciatively. he skips the advertisement and strokes his thumb across anthony's knuckles, watching as anthony yawns quietly though gritted teeth. he refuses to fall asleep, at least before velvet does.

he looks up, admiring the way his sleepy boyfriend looks. his eyes are half-lidded and he's barely paying attention to the video on screen, and every time he blinks, anthony thinks he'll fall asleep then and there. there's a pale flush brushing his cheeks, a result of the warm air that flows throughout the bedroom, and even though his palms are sweaty, anthony would have it no other way.

velvet shuffles, pushing the laptop off of himself and turning into his side, his eyes closing for a brief moment before he opens them with a sleepy giggle. anthony grins, presses closer, tossing an arm over velvet's waist and the other resting on his pillow, fingers laced with velvet's.

it's the small things in life that anthony truly treasures, you have to realise. anthony loves velvet's sweaty palms and his tiredness, anthony loves velvet's sleepy voice and the way velvet's legs tangle with his as they cuddle, he loves feeling velvet's breath on his cheek, a reminder that he's still alive and there with him, he loves the way the light bounces off of his skin and illuminates it, he loves velvet's hair and his eyes and his voice and his soft whispers and declarations of love in the dim lights of their room.

he loves velvet, every perfect inch of him.

"i love you," he murmurs softly, and velvet hums quietly, burying his face in anthony's neck, lips brushing against the exposed skin there. "i love you so much, velvet."

"i love you too, ant, so much. you don't even know."

and when velvet brings his face out of anthony's neck, cupping his cheeks and kissing him ever so gently, anthony has never felt so loved.

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